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Everything posted by KingScrub

  1. Right now would be difficult to be invited as i don't think they're giving out invites.
  2. Meanwhile this probably would make the hack a little harder to be detected I still disagree since people like me who don't have a drivers license etc wouldn't be able to get the hack since they don't have id. And not saying it would happen but if royalhack ever somehow had it's db leaked with peoples ids that could be a problem.
  3. Usually play games legit till i get bored of the game because of big zergs other cheaters etc. Then cheating is fun i'm usually fairly nice to solo and duo players giving them shit etc.
  4. Yep same best song ever made better then anything else out.
  5. The easiest way is to be helpful and active on the forums until you gain enough trust to be invited.
  6. Wouldn't recommend using until the update since it will most likely get you banned but again it's use at your own risk at the moment so you can decide.
  7. Is it possible lets say on a battlefield or modded server where you can easily get that many syringes?. Like if you use speed hack to quick heal.
  8. Pretty much just looked up rust hacks lol.
  9. No need for a forum post about this honestly.
  10. Pfft who needs anything else when you got a BMW.
  11. My suggestion is to be active in the discord and helpful on the forums but currently I don't think to many invites will be given out since someone has been leaking the cheat.
  12. Since I believe someone has been leaking the hack it will probably be difficult to get an invite atm.
  13. +1 I personally think there should be a temporary pause on invites until everythings been sorted out.
  14. I'm not trying to say you aren't i'm just saying it's odd that me and my friend got banned so shortly after on 3 accounts. especially when playing with minimal hacks.
  15. Me and my mate were both banned very quickly so i find it hard to believe it ain't detected. Especially since we were both playing more legit. no fly, speedhack etc.
  16. If you have the rust hack try playing and see how long it takes to get banned and then tell me if it's been detected please. I would much rather have people know that the hack is unsafe to use atm instead of more people getting mass banned.
  17. Fairly certain it's detected although there hasn't really been any comments on it yet use at your own risk.
  18. I mean whenever you're cheating there is always that element of risk involved of getting banned but thats just part of the cheating experience.
  19. Yeah i've never actually coded myself just heard from other people that usually the anticheat can be hard to bypass.
  20. There is probably some good legit configs you can download and test around with I would recommend using it on bots to get a feel for it first though.
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