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Everything posted by KingScrub

  1. The hard part with a lot of hacks isn't actually the hack it's self it's usually bypassing the anti cheat.
  2. Runescape has been my favorite game for a long time.
  3. If you have access to the email I think you can just recover the account and reset the questions but I could be wrong.
  4. I clearly said i've only used the hack for little over 20 hours and after getting banned already I gave my opinion on which hacks i think are the most detected. I never said you have to accept my advice make of it what you want. And the getting banned if your cheating isn't necessarily true. I've played other games with hacks that i never received bans on like CS GO, Combat arms (original) and other games I can't think of of the top of my head. It all depends on how obvious you are.
  5. Still kinda looks wack with a bow even with higher smooth. Fast melee I still think it's probably a higher ban rate hack but again it's really up to whoever is using the hack. Fast melee probably isn't to bad as long as you aren't using speed hack with it to hit extremely fast.
  6. i've played a little over 20 hours and have 1 account thats been eac banned but that gave me some insight into the hacks that I think are the most noticeable by Facepunch. Hacks you should avoid: Speedhack - Is pretty obvious but I believe it's fairly easy for facepunch to see this one and highly not recommend using it if you wish to stay unbanned. Fast melee - Another fairly obvious one but most likely pretty detected this includes fast mining nodes etc. Possible hacks to avoid - Aimbot with a high FOV setting and by changing the aim setting to chest with certain guns. Hunting bow with aimbot I would recommend not using predication as it can cause your character to twitch around when viewing which looks obvious when hacking. Also avoid playing servers owned by youtubers as some of them have easy contact with Facepunch. If anyone has anymore feel free to post them below.
  7. The first "hack" that i used that wasn't just an ingame cheat code was gameshark for gameboy games i used to cheat in masterballs and make all my pokemon level 100 in pokemon blue and silver.
  8. Hide.me never lagged for me just only has 2gb free connection and it had ips in my country which is a bonus.
  9. I used hide.me for awhile but it's having issues does anyone know of any other decent vpns to use?. Looking for something either free or in the 10-20$ range.
  10. True but there is still some good quality recorders that can be cracked.
  11. Alright thanks ill check those out.
  12. I'm starting a youtube channel focused on using royalhack but i'm stumped on video recorders if anyone has one they recommend thats either free or easily crackable let me know thanks. If this is in the wrong section sorry wasn't sure where to put it.
  13. There has been a few hack providers already since i've heard the game doesn't have a great anti-cheat if one at all. but they're just standard hacks with aimbot, esp etc. Hopefully royalhack will eventually make their own and show how much better they're at making cheats.
  14. Why would i be banned i only asked for an invite once and left?.
  15. Always tells me invalid.
  16. Nope doesn't let me join
  17. the discord doesn't work for me..
  18. Most people don't want to be friends on here.
  19. Begging for invites won't help your chances and neither will waiting honestly it's probably impossible to get an invite unless you already know someone.
  20. I've heard it's impossible to get an invite so shouldn't waste your time.
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