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There are only a few games i use hacks on to try and get an advantage as i usually play solo, so i need an edge to survive against games that have teams or clans. Most of the time i have no problem slaughtering clans when i see them:P

I do however feel kinda bad when i see other solo or duo players farming for hours then for me to come along and kill them and take all their shit,. I usually don't target them now because i just feel kinda shitty making them spend all them hours farming just to lose it all. Do you guys ever feel like this?? Or maybe i just have a soft spot xD

I'm missing out on a bunch of loot9_9

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I get what you mean i would normally only target people i disliked or raiders / clans but for solo's i normally would leave them alone :P


But if you think you are going to at some point get banned may as well just kill everyone, but if you are playing more legit then its really your call.

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29 minutes ago, Andrada said:

in my opinion, blatant cheating is just lame. but just giving yourself the upper hang without others knowing is fantastic.

Closet cheaters are cheaters that are too ashamed to admit they cheat n they think theyre good :( 

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I hack on everything and only slaughter people with weapons.

I steal nothing but the weapons unless I don't have armor, I still their armor.

If I do steal any other item, it's because I met some dude solo'ing and am just giving him all the loot from the kills.


No real soft spot here. I tend to play games legit until I get bored of them, then cheating makes them fun again. Some games I'll cheat immediately if I know it's not a game I'd really get into legit. I do play certain games legit though, not because I feel bad for others, more because I really enjoy the game and I want a challenge. I think I'm a rarity though, most people seem to be either always legit, or always cheating. To each their own.

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How do I feel about hacking. Well it sucks when your on the receiving end of it. Ha. But revenge is a sweet dish served warm.  I can say 99 percent of the people on this page have no issues with hacking.  I started cheating cs a very long time ago. I cheat alot of games but one game that is fun for me is Overwatch. Never will i ever cheat it.  I have botted, multiboxed, and cheated a very large amount of games. So for me bring it on.

Shoot the fuck out of everyone, but I'm not rich by any means, so try and go through as little accounts as possible. No rage hacking just legit hacking to get an advantage unless I really need to.

  • 2 weeks later...

Depends a lot of game. In most fps games I like cheat since I know many ppl do so as well. But for example MMORPG's there is not that much cheaters and you really cant get that much advantage with cheats so mostly play legit on those. In survival games like rust and arma series games I cheat always, but I mostly try to avoid eye contact with other players. But in certain point I just go for the hunt, don't give a shit about loots. In dayz for example I just took the .338 lapua magnum sniper rifle and hunt everyone from miles away so they don't even know where they did get shot at, they just basically die and get pissed off since all their loot is lying down there and normally people spawn pretty far away from their shit9_9 And with wallhack its very easy to avoid people from finding you when they want their revenge.

And I don't feel sad for other players because they play legit and I don't. Only in survival games when I have invested some time to good server and then I accidentally shoot some one in the face that can be considered as a bambi, then I feel a bit sad and mostly try to compensate my actions by giving them some good loot and watch that they will get back to their body before anyone else steals all their stuff. Because it works like a investment. You let him live and grow bigger and make the server look more populated. And then kill him later when he got something more valuable to steal. Only release the full power of the hacks to those people that deserve it.

Only way I could play without hacks some fps game like battlefield would probably be in a organized group of good guys and in a console. Since consoles have hacker cunt 85% less than pc games. 

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The way that i look at it is depending on what game you are cheating on. Take rust for example, I have played rust for 3000 hours legitimately, only for the game now to be infested with hackers of different varieties to come and ruin 8-10 hours of hard work, in only minutes. To me, someone who works most every day of the week and has other things to do, it isn't worth investing the time to lose it to other cheaters, no matter if your playing with or without them someone will always have them

The way i look at it is, if you're paying for it and you're having fun with it, then there's nothing shameful about it. That's from my personal experience with cheating over the last few years. Of course there are always others who feel differently, but so be it.

54 minutes ago, FusionMatrix said:

The way that i look at it is depending on what game you are cheating on. Take rust for example, I have played rust for 3000 hours legitimately, only for the game now to be infested with hackers of different varieties to come and ruin 8-10 hours of hard work, in only minutes. To me, someone who works most every day of the week and has other things to do, it isn't worth investing the time to lose it to other cheaters, no matter if your playing with or without them someone will always have them

The way i look at it is, if you're paying for it and you're having fun with it, then there's nothing shameful about it. That's from my personal experience with cheating over the last few years. Of course there are always others who feel differently, but so be it.

I was playing Rust with @how02 without hacks, and two other friends.

Even when we were 4 and farming all day, we were pwned by other big teams, 2 days after or smth.

On Rust, there is a huge problem when it comes to balancing the game, even when you consider having a strong team with you, you'll still loose everything really quickly because of these huge castles, with 10 people inside, u just can't do anything against that, except if you use hacks.

It was pain in the ass to farm 2 days, going to sleep, waking up and see everything vanished. No matter how good we were at aiming or whatever, it just was not enough.

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Guest bluexdinosaur

i have like 1k legit. and about 300 hacking i started hacking after officials got aids i played on us west one then like a month ago the server was infested with hackers so i said fuck it if you cant beat them join em so thats what i did.

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