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Hey, I got a few ideas. =)

. Cake anti cheat bypass, since a lot of servers have it installed.

. Silent Aim/No Spread (If possible?)

. Speedhack (Don't know if it's still possible)

. Money Printer ESP (For DarkRP)

Screengrab Bypass

Keypad Cracker

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5 hours ago, thebiglad500 said:

Hey, I got a few ideas. =)

. Cake anti cheat bypass, since a lot of servers have it installed.

. Silent Aim/No Spread (If possible?)

. Speedhack (Don't know if it's still possible)

. Money Printer ESP (For DarkRP)

Screengrab Bypass

Keypad Cracker

speed hack is no longer possible.


my list : 

Aimbot/triggerbot, features including pSilent, changing of the smoothness, etc.

bypasses for all anticheats

ESP for searched props, you can search for props installed by the server, and search for the name in order to add it for esp.

keypad answers for silent raids, so if someone types in their answers you can see it aswell.

Noclip (clientsided)

No Fall damage if possible.

Infinite Ammo.

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All of these features are doable and usefull

  • aimbot with psilent and option to shoot teammates
  • no spread, recoil
  • chams, box esp, hp bar/value, weapon, name (with an option to show darkrp name)
  • entity esp that you can customize
  • show keypad codes
  • bunnyhop with autostrafer
  • namestealer

most importantly bypass cake anti cheat as most servers use it

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CAC bypass

Nospread/norecoil (try making it work for all add-ons? FAS:2 needs like some type of work because most nospread scripts don't work with it)

Keypad cracker

Admin detection

Spectator detection

Anti screenshot

Autostrafe for bhop 

Friend's list(Not Steam friends, but like Rust friends)

Entity list (kinda like skin changer menu for CSGO, shows all entities on server on left side and entities you see on ESP on right)


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Traitor Detector (Just detects if a traitor has/bought a traitor weapon from the f4 shop or whatever.)

Murder Reveal (Tells you who the murderer is once they've taken out their knife.)

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4 hours ago, shiro said:

Traitor Detector (Just detects if a traitor has/bought a traitor weapon from the f4 shop or whatever.)

Murder Reveal (Tells you who the murderer is once they've taken out their knife.)

+1 on the traitor detector


keypad cracker


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  • 1 month later...

Hack now detects Murder & Detective within Murder gamemode.

But it doesn't save the identity, must save the data until round is over to clearly identify the killer & detectives.

I'm moving over to TTT and DarkRP, will take a look at those printer shiet.

Also keypad cracker sounds possible.

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Weapon ESP not only for basic game weapon such as physic gun but also for SWEP aka Scripted Weapons.

Ammo ESP to know when enemy's mag is empty.

"Is reloading ESP" if it is possible.

On DarkRP, roleplay names and steam username are not the same, so a proper ingame name esp would be neat.

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All the features suggested so far are good.

- Bypass client side (Servers Client side luas aren't executed. - works with bypassing some of CaC's checks)
- Console logger (Detects silent server commands, and logs them)
- Game mode exploits;
   -DarkRP: Duplicate weapons = Drop gun, (2 seconds) sleep. (Simple script)
   -Flood: Be able to edit prop price/health. etc (Used to do it with console logger)
If you look into these game modes deeper, I'm sure a lot more exploits will be available.

- Auto strafer (various types? (silent, sideways, backwards))
- Show all weapons ESP function. (Should help with detection for murder/ttt)

These are all do-able as another cheat has them.

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On 09/05/2017 at 4:43 AM, Elgrande said:

All the features suggested so far are good.

- Bypass client side (Servers Client side luas aren't executed. - works with bypassing some of CaC's checks)
- Console logger (Detects silent server commands, and logs them)
- Game mode exploits;
   -DarkRP: Duplicate weapons = Drop gun, (2 seconds) sleep. (Simple script)
   -Flood: Be able to edit prop price/health. etc (Used to do it with console logger)
If you look into these game modes deeper, I'm sure a lot more exploits will be available.

- Auto strafer (various types? (silent, sideways, backwards))
- Show all weapons ESP function. (Should help with detection for murder/ttt)

These are all do-able as another cheat has them.

What do you mean silent server commands ?

As for Flood gamemode, did not play it yet, if prop infos are clientsided i'll be able to hack them ofc.

Main priority atm is to implement aimbot & bunnyhop which bypass CAC checks, and support TTT gamemode which is played tons.

I'll switch to DarkRP right after that and attempt to crack keypad.

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2 hours ago, UnstucK said:

What do you mean silent server commands ?

As for Flood gamemode, did not play it yet, if prop infos are clientsided i'll be able to hack them ofc.

Main priority atm is to implement aimbot & bunnyhop which bypass CAC checks, and support Murder gamemode which is played tons.

I'll switch to DarkRP right after that and attempt to crack keypad.

Commands the server runs silently (that you normally can't see in console)
For example - in Flood when you spawn in a prop it would say "RunConsoleCommand: 'fm_spawnprop  24.00 ;'"



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58 minutes ago, h0lz said:

Propkill aimbot in ttt (makes your back face the target and does a quick 180 to throw the prop with a magneto stick)

Trajectory prediction for murder knife, crossbow, etc.

I liek propkilling idea haha thats nasty.

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27 minutes ago, killer4nl said:

Lagg the server, like the old RH times HeyGuys

Dunno if possible, i won't spend too much time into that.

I'll implement features before exploits. I have work to do on H1Z1 & TF2 aswell :( 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A script that prop pushes yourself in DarkRP for example, forces you to quickly look behind you and spawns a prop before automatically physgrabbing it and then looking forward, deleting the prop after 0,2 seconds. I remember using this in 2014 and it works great combined with bunnyhopping since you keep your speed.

Would be bound by a keypress 

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