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Everything posted by impuremelon

  1. this is offtopic right? i need help cause my bum keeps itching inside. it keeps bleeding when i scratch it. any advise?
  2. Kamay is like the best
  3. it was for real. just using an exploit
  4. https://gyazo.com/ec433924bd1ea6c09938118405aa51ee https://gyazo.com/993b4b4cabd29e37bbb9824be4843f5b https://gyazo.com/9e9bfc5d0afed194b4233c517f28a564 https://gyazo.com/b196d0bcf1e29d380ec14105cd4a3527 Bet none of u are bigger ballers then me men
  5. i love mattcs always gives free shout outs. he needs a sponsorship by royalhack, royalhack can help him and zuhn bhop ?
  6. can we get the man in this video at 2:25 should get a free month or some shit free advertisement.
  7. No U now we have pitty right
  8. i am calling the french police to investigate your company i think you neglect your truck driver by not feeding him.
  9. so no help to shiro if there was i would start to donate again
  10. i heard if u donate u feed shiro is that ture because the more shiro is fed the more deliveries he can complete of royalhack vip ranks in his BIG TRUCK. i also heard u mail potatos to supporters and i didn't get my potato yet so please mail it to me of feed it to shiro.
  11. lol turn up ur smooth on the weapons u want to be less sticky.
  12. sorry i meant a a color and market when u post to show ur special https://gyazo.com/ea5639a7801ab0c8cab07453cd9b6566 and unstuck could do with the extra money as always. and gekko is against the jews what a cunt
  13. no point working on new hacks when u are working on getting a rust and pubg hack up.
  14. u need to donate i am pissed u dont have a color when u post @Gekk0why u mad
  15. what are your thoughts on the new mp5-sd i personally think its great to add new guns and how they added it into single player first to test it unlike the r8 is great and hopefully they add more guns from older counterstrikes maybe a shield next and then after that maybe remove overwatch. but what are ur thoughts on the new gun and the future of csgo.
  16. Ik but he left bitwise.
  17. IF you got vac banned this update or any future updates post here in this fortmat: Steam account link Date of ban Ss of ban message Config link This is because i am nosey jew and want to see why people are geting banned. And i do understand this month it was a delayed ban.
  18. RIP ghost press f to pay respects
  19. impuremelon


    Never knew that existed but i started python and i found that books where a great way to learn rather fun in comparison to youtube videos but i will chexk it out.
  20. impuremelon


    Thhere is no c# area but i want a c# book to read thats free can any one recommend any books for c#?
  21. And the pubg hag wont be up for a while but the rust will be soon hopefully.
  22. Nice review really indepth and covers the cheat entirely and covered the lovely gui
  23. Melon gave unfuck server crasher.
  24. Fixed for u tubz
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