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Everything posted by menc9re

  2. menc9re


    Best solution is asking the answer from God, I will always pray in front of my computer and next thing I know Holy Spirit fills me and code just appears to the monitor. When you realize that you don't "learn" anything but it's just Lord's spirit inside a hollow vessel it makes sense.
  4. It's a false positive that is caused by antivirus heuristics. Consult your antivirus documentation how to add RoyalHack loader into it's exclusions list.
  5. VR's future is in porn. It's the only thing they are good for. Porn and education simulators.
  6. @v3n0m4 sexually assaulted me in a park and I developed a Stockholm syndrome.
  7. There is a site called Royalhacks.net. It has absolutely nothing to do with us and as far as I know it's made purely to scam people, at least one person who has contacted us has already lost his money for them and few clever people have contacted us to check for it's authenticity before getting scammed. DO NOT SEND YOUR MONEY TO THEM, you will get nothing in return. Thank you.
  8. Thanks a lot of your comprehensive and honest review, @UnstucK beat me to it and added missing bones, sincere apology of leaving such trivial features out of the hack lol, CSS was basically ported from CSGO long time ago, tested casually for a while and it did not get too much attention from customers so nobody has reported this before you, thanks a lot! About SMAC, we have not claimed to support any other anti-cheats than VAC so it either works or does not. Considering that there are only few people randomly using CSS cheat and I personally do not play it since 2010 or something, it's really not worth my time to even look into it at the moment when I'm drowning in school stuff, real life work and two kids at home. Of course major features from CSGO like chams have been added to CSS too and if it's literally not working it will be updated so it's not totally abandoned but it's not going through any serious work at the moment. I hope that at some point I get more free time to work with RH projects
  9. EFT AKA Enemy Fucking Territory hell yeah.
  10. Thanks for honest, clean review and nice video, especially the de_cache bombsite 5k was nice
  11. BTC payments are fucking slow, @UnstucK typically needs to manually confirm them. Sorry for trouble.
  12. background-image was not supposed to stay in CSS file, instead be done with inline-css, brainfart style="background-image: url("www.whatever.com/whatever.png");" I'm sure this could be done better with SASS since it lets you use variables.
  13. HTML <div class="achievement-box"> <div class="achievement-box-icon"> </div> <div class="achievement-box-namebar-area"> <span>[skill_goes_here]</span> <div class="achievement-box-bar"> <div class="achievement-box-status-25"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="achievement-box"> <div class="achievement-box-icon"> </div> <div class="achievement-box-namebar-area"> <span>[skill_goes_here]</span> <div class="achievement-box-bar"> <div class="achievement-box-status-50"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="achievement-box"> <div class="achievement-box-icon"> </div> <div class="achievement-box-namebar-area"> <span>[skill_goes_here]</span> <div class="achievement-box-bar"> <div class="achievement-box-status-75"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="achievement-box"> <div class="achievement-box-icon"> </div> <div class="achievement-box-namebar-area"> <span>[skill_goes_here]</span> <div class="achievement-box-bar"> <div class="achievement-box-status-100"> </div> </div> </div> </div> CSS body { background-color: rgb(25, 34, 50); } .achievement-box { background-color: rgb(35, 48, 64); border: 2px solid rgb(64, 81, 102); display: flex; height: 120px; width: 540px; } .achievement-box-icon { background-image: url("https://www.superiorengineering.com.au/image/webimages/auto-mechanical-black-cogs-icon.png"); border: 5px solid rgb(75, 92, 105); outline: 2px solid rgb(64, 81, 102); height: 110px; width: 110px; } .achievement-box-namebar-area { color: white; display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 1; justify-content: space-around; margin: 20px; height: 80px; } .achievement-box-bar { background-color: rgb(49, 83, 107); border: 1px solid rgb(64, 81, 102); height: 14px; width: 380px; } @keyframes skill-25 { from { width: 0px; } to { width: 95px; } } @keyframes skill-50 { from { background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width: 0px; } to { width: 190px; } } @keyframes skill-75 { from { background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width: 0px; } to { width: 280px; } } @keyframes skill-100 { from { background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width: 0px; } to { width: 376px; } } .achievement-box-status-25 { background-color: rgb(255,0,0); margin: 2px; margin-left: 3px; height: 9px; width: 95px; animation: skill-25 5s; } .achievement-box-status-50 { background-color: rgb(255,255,0); margin: 2px; height: 10px; width: 190px; animation: skill-50 5s; } .achievement-box-status-75 { background-color: rgb(100,255,120); margin: 2px; height: 9px; width: 285px; animation: skill-75 5s; } .achievement-box-status-100 { background-color: rgb(0,255,0); margin: 2px; height: 9px; width: 376px; animation: skill-100 5s; } RESULT
  14. Hello, we appreciate your post and concern about Royal Hacks position regarding animal rights. We at Royal Hack pride ourselves of our deep and passionate drive towards rights of all wonderful animals on Earth, especially we have a special place in our hearts for sloots, those magnificient creatures. 20% of Royal Hacks income is donated to Homeless Sloths Shelter and we are also working together with WWF. Whole Royal Hack staff is committed to vegetarian diet and we would never take part in barbaric abuse of poor, helpless animals.
  15. From my point of view I would love to get time for Quake: Champions hack and figuring out why L4D2 does not work but I can't guarantee anything, school is intense and I'm working at the same time so my time is limited. Let's see if I have more time when I'm on summer vacation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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