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Everything posted by NoobLN

  1. Good video
  2. me too,bro Good luck
  3. good idea bro
  4. If it's safe, I think it's good
  5. bro,You're right. For people who often help just join in They deserve to be invited my bad english
  6. very cool keep waiting guys I want it to be invited, because it's safer Good luck everyone
  7. @stezzI agree with your idea, if people really need it, will keep waiting
  8. good luck everyone
  9. Waiting message guys,good luck to all
  10. Hope that we can support royalhack
  11. u can wait admin
  12. good
  13. Hope not battleye,Probably more bans
  14. I like official servers
  15. Great, very helpful,Thank you for sharing
  16. Maybe in 10 years ago, I remember I played it,but Very few people play it now
  17. I hope it can be more safe,keep waiting,good luck guys
  18. Who tried? That sounds interesting
  19. Because of their hack, very good, I hope they do better best regards NoobLN
  20. i like gta5,nice game
  21. That sounds great
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