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  1. 10+ years ago, on the CS scene.
  2. remove all invites when the subscription ends, too many people got it and someone leaking it
  3. I had this problem, but once I disabled my AV and firewall, my game didn't close after 2min
  4. Kano

    rust cheat review

    Fair enough, guess I'll have to be patient and hope
  5. Kano

    rust cheat review

    Great review, is it released to private or you got beta? been checking for updates everyday
  6. It is a VERY popular game. The price for one month should stick. The hack, features and protection looks amazing so a premium price for a premium product.
  7. Kano

    My Review

    May have to get csgo go again and this hack! nice review!
  8. Looks like a carbonara, so good!
  9. I remember your name Timon 10 years has gone fast, but now I'm old haha
  10. Kano


    A h1z1 kotk hack would be amazzzinnggg! being my second most played game XD!!
  11. Glad the forum is back and seems a nice community still! if you ever need gfx done I'd love to help (again)
  12. The forum use to be huge, no idea what happened, maybe had a wipe and new ownership. Can't remember much, too much weed fried my brain
  13. Hey Royal Hack, I use to be mod here years and years ago, back in my cs days, right near the start of this forum. Started as a graphics designer made the logo for the site and shit loads of signature pics for people Just wanted to say hi! and now keeping an eye out for the Rust release as that's what I spend my day off work playing now. Trying to see people I reconise from back int he day. Don't know if MadDog is still about, but was an awesome coder for here. Well best wishes all, Kano
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