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Everything posted by MCPEngu

  1. MCPEngu

    Topman TF2

    great video!
  2. Hello, this issue will be fixed tomorrow, happy new years!
  3. MCPEngu

    RH in 2024?

    Good media, and as unstuck said, nice gloves.
  4. Might be because you joined the news channel and not the general channel, I sent you a link in dms.
  5. Hello, your sub should be activated instantly after purchase, can you check if it is activated now?
  6. 2 Quick videos I made while bored with 2 songs I really like, enjoy.
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  7. Not sure if the new airstuck method lets you do the exploits, maybe, maybe if we add the new airstuck method we will see if it works with the other exploits. We are focusing on tf2 right now
  8. Hello, airstuck was patched, this means exploits like teleport and whatnot which uses teleport has been patched. There is another method for airstuck which we might add in the future.
  9. Hello, I personally don't use medal so I have I'm not exactly sure what is going on, on OBS however, you can enable "Capture third-party overlays". If you can do the same on medal it will show the cheats ESP, if you do not want to draw the ESP then you have to disable this. Try searching around on how to not draw third-party overlays on medal.
  10. hl2dm as well pretty please!!
  11. But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

  12. MCPEngu


    I will not read backstab fuck you
  13. Hey, please send me a clip of this happening and your config, it can be here or in pms
  14. Glad you liked our product so much
  15. When you download the cheat you will get 2 loaders, one is for 32 bit games and the other is for 64 bit games. Use the 32 bit one for L4D
  16. Yep, you just open the loader and login, select css and press inject/initialize and then open css on steam.
  17. Hello, the hack only works on the latest steam version. Regards
  18. MCPEngu


  19. Quick video just showcasing the Soldier aimbot on the original and direct hit. (UnstucK i already know you are going to comment about the backstab, don't you dare.)
  20. I'm running it on 90 now bitch, seems to be an issue with hdmi cable maybe
  21. Hello I hope everyone is well, just wanted to say happy new year to those who cares about it. 2023 I found out about royalhack and joined the community, I helped test the cheats and talked to many great new people. On October 3rd I got "hired" as a moderator here at royalhack, and so far it has been amazing. I believe that this year will be great for royalhack featuring new updates, products and whatnot else there is planned. Thanks to: @UnstucK For being a kind and trusting person letting me become moderator for this fantastic community @v3n0m4and @menc9re for helping me whatnot issues I had (and of course bullying me for my monitor being 120 hz but me running it at 60 All the other testers for helping test all the cheats including TF2 And of course thanks to the community. Regards MCPEngu
  22. Good video.
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