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Everything posted by MCPEngu

  1. Decided to make this little video because for whatever reason i had motivation to play this game. A new update for Royalhack will be released soon which will have some cool new features like hitchance for projectiles and a few other minor features like thirdperson. In this video I used the dev build which had these features so what you are seeing is the improved projectile prediction.
  2. MCPEngu

    GTA V

    GTA 5 cheat is not for sale anymore as it was in a rough state and as of now doesnt work for the epic games version, it might come back in the future.
  3. Good video.
  4. PUBG cheat hasn't been in the works for years afaik and I doubt it will return any time soon.
  5. Yes you will.
  6. Just got to watch the video, good work. I 1v1'd a rijin user and won 3:0, safe to say the cheat is doing good against others.
  7. I was in a game with a guy antiaiming and I killed him with a headshot like 3 times lol, hidden REZOLVER!!!
  8. cracked head mixed cookie dough pwned 4k 60 fps 360 degrees egghead l0l
  9. Well i don't really have any minor exploits that i know of, i don't really go hunting for them since most of my time on l4d2 is spent in survival lol.
  10. not going to point fingers
  11. I like how he calls royalhack a Fedoraware paste while Fedoraware started off by being just seowned which spook and Lak3 worked on good video though and fantastic aa rofl
  12. Well yeah but i would consider that a minor one, you can also go idle and it will detach you from the smokers tongue iirc
  13. Good video.
  14. Ive been switching a lot, from windows 10 to windows 11 to windows 10 to windows 11 and so on and so on, tried downloading windows 8.1 recently since that was what i grew up with but ofc no driver support which meant no internet access Currently im running windows 10 and i was thinking of downloading atlas as well a bit ago, however i don't know what the hell they put in it so i would rather not. Even tho its open source but yeah better safe than sorry.
  15. ٠●•۩۞۩[̲̅Nσ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲̅̅̅]۩۞۩•●٠
  16. Anti-Aim and other HvH features will most likely not be added due to our focus being legit, however things like doubletap will be added, not sure about fakelag tho... Anyway great to see you found the secret serverside resolver kekw
  17. Great video, now that i see the demoknight clips i think lak3 should add back the follow target feature to melee aimbot... MUST ANNOY HIM!
  18. Probably not my favorite but its up there
  19. A good test would be going on mge, lot of airstrafes and whatnot can be done there.
  20. Good video however tr_walkway isn't the best way to determine if the aimbot is good since it's just bots walking in a straight line.
  21. Good video, can't wait to see more.
  22. When you buy tf2 you will gain access to the beta build.
  23. Yep, when you buy it you will get access to it, its in beta but 100x better than before.
  24. Hello everyone I made a video which is a showcase typeish video, hope you enjoy it!
  25. Still not a clue who you are , i'm relatively young so i wasn't around back then.
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