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Everything posted by MCPEngu

  1. Don't got a slightest clue of who you are but welcome back
  2. Currently it is not the main priority as we are working on cs2 primarily. And no it does not have backtrack.
  3. The current build which you can buy will make you crash at random times.
  4. You previous sub will be extended. The new update is a full recode so yes the crashes will be gone, as of right now there are a few issues in the cheat but that will be fixed.
  5. Your sub will get extended for free when the new update is out, now regarding ETA we can't really give one, a week? a few weeks? a month? we can't say for sure.
  6. I can confirm
  7. Hey The update is almost finished and is in its final stages, I won't say an exact date but it should be really soon.
  8. It was due to a game update, an update has been pushed.
  9. Hey! Changelogs can be found in our telegram group or in the private updates section. Hope this helps
  10. Alright I just tested it myself and i can confirm that it crashes your game. To reproduce do these steps 1. Replicate settings the user has in the video 2. Go into a game (casual is the fastest) 3. When you spawn rapidly change your glow factor @UnstucK Will fix it ASAP
  11. Another user reported this issue as well, UnstucK couldn't reproduce it so il have a go at it myself. Il report back quickly! Could you also send me a copy of your config?
  12. how2jew
  13. I would suggest you contact UnstucK, here is his contact details. Forums: https://royalhack.net/profile/2-unstuck/ Telegram: https://t.me/notunstuck
  14. No problem, glad that people like the video and find it helpful.
  15. Hello everyone, I made this tutorial for all the major exploits in Left 4 Dead 2. I used royalhack in the video so i'm 100% sure all of you can use it just fine
  16. We got a plan, we break into Facepunch and EAC, force them to make royalhack undetected, and then profit.
  17. Разрешать другим использовать ваш аккаунт запрещено... В следующий раз вас ждет наказание!
  18. Do you use any hwid spoofers? Also have you downloaded the new client since the update?
  19. Yep it seems like you are right, the menu is gone and when you open the menu it just hides the radar.
  20. Il go ahead and test it out
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