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Everything posted by UnstucK

  1. 3 radars when 1 ain't enough
  2. https://royalhack.net/topic/7-rh-gui-theme/ this ?
  3. In game, Rust
  4. If by so cheap you mean 2€ like we used to do, no. Prices are not yet decided.
  5. yes
  6. Hai want to know if i'll be vacbant cuz of aimbot plz thank
  7. yep if possible
  8. so freaking beautiful can i hav the edited file ?
  9. not really, only this one https://royalhack.net/forum/images/metro/bw/misc/vbulletin4_logo.png
  10. My favorite Looks epic ! Anyway to get our hands back on this one ? To get an original file to use in our videos & to edit the logo to make it bigger & maybe better :cool:
  11. When disabled, the aimbot will only change your view on the horizontal (yaw) axis. It's there so if you want to pull down your crosshair yourself, you can
  12. @mencore: applied old school steam theme on current RH's GUI
  13. [video=youtube;dP9Wp6QVbsk] anyone can explain ? wtfffff
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