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Everything posted by eco999

  1. A beta tester, I think he has been banned now.
  2. In order: Sonic Adventure DX Trainer Cheat codes in some open-world street racing game on my PSP My parents bought me an Action Replay for my DSi I followed a guide and hacked my Wii for cheats on my games First PC cheating was in games such as CS:S, CSGO , TF2 and Rust Legacy
  3. It's in a section that only Trusted/ invited members can access. The title of the thread is "[Invitations] Invite someone" if you want to tell him that.
  4. The Rust cheat is no longer in BETA and has been released. You must have an invite to be able to buy the cheat which costs 35 euros. To recieve an invite you need to be invited by a Trusted members. Trusted members are those who beta tested the cheat.
  5. Wow there are so many more using RH footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqk6Kh6CX0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3qRcmwH0cA
  6. Yes it is, lmfao that is hilarious.
  7. Have you tried changing the key for the Aimbot?
  8. Lol, I cheated in Rust Legacy. Was fun for the two - three weeks it lasted until I got banned. I can guarantee that RH's cheat will fulfill your needs.
  9. I forgot how much fun hacking in TF2 is, thanks guys.
  10. eco999

    My Review

    How do you feel about the Galio rework? @Galio25
  11. Chicken Tikka Lasagna Any pasta with tomato
  12. That isn't carbonara?
  13. Yeah, it's fucked up. Remember that time they used the client to mine bitcoins? smh.
  14. ESEA is something that you have to sign up, download and pay for so you won't accidently join an ESEA server if that's what you are asking.
  15. ESEA is like an alternative matchmaking, all the pro players use it because of the better 128-tick servers and it is very difficult to cheat in due to their anti-cheat.
  16. If your alt gets banned you will want to follow a guide made by @Arithmo to prevent your main from getting banned by EAC. It's proven to work as I tested it.
  17. Hello, the cheat is undetected. Only way people are getting banned is due to being reported by players too many times because they are playing too obvious (only headshots, kills at 300m+, flying).
  18. You don't need a VPN, just unplug your router for about 10mins and replug it. Your IP will be changed if it is Dynamic, if it is Static try and change it to Dynamic. If that doesn't work, you'll need a VPN.
  19. ESP should also display team name so on DarkRP it will display Gun Dealer if that is their chosen job.
  20. I found an alternative way to use the ladder hack with the jump hack. Stand next to the wall, set gravity hack to 0.1 and jump which will kick you. Reconnect and press the forward key. Then you can move up without getting kicked from my use.
  21. From what I have read, they don't know when they will release or if it will be invite-only or not.
  22. Operating System: Windows 10 64bit ENGLISH I agree to RH Rules & BETA Program Hope I can get accepted this time.
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