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Everything posted by Gekk0

  1. This website background is awesome!
  2. Then make one yourself.. You can use the other configs to learn how to make a config that suits you
  3. https://royalhack.net/files/ There u go..
  4. i think the caps lock key is bugged in this thread
  5. gratz on the release. now lets wreck some kiddos
  6. How did it fuck up? As far as i know the program does not change anything in your pc.
  7. Discord is better.. since teamspeak is easy ddoss
  8. okay.. i'll do it when i'm home from work.
  9. Can also host one with 512 slots. i have license
  10. i have my own teamspeak3 server with 512 slots.. people are free to join if they want
  11. Just order this guy! https://www.facebook.com/Chris-Corley-274706542582129/
  12. since he is askin in the pre-sales area he does not have access to that
  13. No you don't... You run the client -> start steam -> start csgo -> have fun
  14. Gekk0


    at the moment its undetected at VAC
  15. Gekk0


    i can tell you it performs great for me.. no fps drops
  16. good price
  17. OS: Windows 10 x64 English Games: CSGO / Rust I agree to the terms. i has different accounts with rust and csgo where i can test also can record & make videos promo
  18. Does the bear shit in the forest?
  19. nice findings! i made some of those
  20. u got da pm
  21. after effects project file?
  22. [video=youtube;BjAmfT4Wt5M] okay.. made a copy of the logo in photoshop :cool: and edited the video
  23. i found it unstuck.. do you have a HQ logo?
  24. i can try to find it later
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