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what was your first hacking experience like? did you get addicted?

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On 3/7/2017 at 2:55 PM, FACE said:

of course growing up I had always used the available cheats on the ps1 and earlier systems, but my earliest memories with hacking was with GunBound and Maplestory, around the same time. It was quite exhilarating using the aimbot on GB and vaccing on maple xD. what about you guys? 

The first "hack" that i used that wasn't just an ingame cheat code was gameshark for gameboy games i used to cheat in masterballs and make all my pokemon level 100 in pokemon blue and silver.

Edited by KingScrub

CS1.6 with those hardcore techno music forced on my PC unless I literally unplugged the speakers.

After that, shitty autofarm macros on ragnarok online for years.

And ofcourse, Openkore :D

Edited by Tobalcain

Bin subbed to many cheat providers but used RH for the longest time i think, indeed started with the public version for css (that weird autoaimbot and esp xD)

Also cheated much other fps games like CSGO,BF1,2,3,4, COD mw2,3 etc 
Example vid:

ATM i play lot of Rust and GTA, playin around with the Aimbot and spawn features xD 

Example vid:

And last but not least back in 2010 had my own private cheat site and shitt called Custom Hacks but sad enough had to close it couz some problems with terms and bullshit :( 

Example vid:

So yea, i think i can say im pretty addicted to cheats xD



Edited by killer4nl
  • 2 weeks later...

First ever cheating was PS1 and PS2 cheats.

Then I moved to PS3, then PC


PS3 Modern Warfare 2. Would join those cfg mod lobbies, then load in the map on private, which would give radar and long knife. Then used USB cheat on W@W. Then jailbroke and started hacking.


The rest is history

Edited by Lion

I started off cheating on Rust, and i can say for a while i was a bit addicted. I played the game for thousands of hours legit and played with cheats and enjoyed it, rust is way more fun with the cheats.

  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely Game Genie on SNES. Freakin' Gradius III and The Legend of The Mystical Ninja.

After that, I moved on to hacking pokemon games (Getting the GS Ball to get Celebi) then to GTA modmenus, and I almost never play single player games without cheating. I'm addicted to it, even if it takes some of the fun out of the single player games. Lol

Edited by SagaDaemonus

First hacking experience was on Rust (legacy). I remember getting hacks on rust legacy for the first time and I fell in love straight away, flying around into people bases finding stupid amounts of c4 and then blowing up other peoples bases. What great fun! :)

I started hacking in BF Heroes back then in 2010. It was a simple aimbot + ESP and I have never been banned until BFH shut down. :D Then I came to GTA and Rust and well Rust was nice until EAC was more and more implemented. GTA hasn't even a real anti-cheat and it's too fun to mod.

On 07.03.2017 at 11:22 PM, UnstucK said:

Oldest memories (cheatcodes doesnt count) are packet hacking "Lineage 2" on private servers, then "call of duty united offensive" with nub wallhack.

1st hax.. i was roleplayin gurls to get admin passwords or gear or shits to avoid grindfest  PedoBear:trump:

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first hacking experience was with COD4 back in the day. I was instantly addicted and i pretty much purchased hacks for all first person or 3rd person shooters i played after that. I have hacked in BFBC2, BF3, BF4, BF1, TF2(Titan Fall 2), TF2(Team Fortress 2), uh... combat arms. I have hacked a lot more than that. Those are just the games i can remember off the top of my head. BE has been making my life hell lately. I cant feed my addiction in games like Rainbow Six Siege and PUBG. i find myself frantically searching the web for working cheats after every session. So far, a lot of what i find are scams. BE makes me a sad panda :(

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