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Serialism last won the day on September 19 2023

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  1. https://prnt.sc/xmtk4VRAnNC-
  2. No, really really https://prnt.sc/l4r231BErXiF
  3. No really, I can't edit
  4. Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. How did you learn software engineering? Do you have any resources that you recommend for someone looking at pursuing a career?
  5. Sup, I've been on and off these forums for a while. Some of you may know me from the Telegram/Discord when it was a thing. I got a few questions to ask the devs to fulfill personal curiosity. I've also been debating on whether or not I should take the stand and finally take the time to learn C as well as actually attempting to create something myself. Which I know will take lots of time, but might be worth it in the end. 1. What made you get into coding/developing? 2. Are game cheats the only development project you practice? 3. How long did it take you to acquire the skill to make a stable cheat? Do you have any regrets on doing so? 4. If you lost the ability to code/develop one day, but had the opportunity to learn something different with equivalent skill to coding, would you do it? 5. What's the longest coding session you've ever had? That's pretty much it. I'm sick as hell and bored and refuse to use other social media, so here I am. Thank yall.
  6. I can't edit
  7. never finished yet
  8. I know this is very late, but I can say with 100% confidence that this cheat is 100% better and more stable than lmaogarbage.
  9. Still never finished
  10. The best TF2 cheat in my opinion. Extrememely customizable aimbot with clean yet simple visuals that make the game much more fun to enjoy. I've been using it for almost a year now and I look past any other cheat. The best thing about the cheat is that it's trustable. I have/had over $700 worth of unusuals with over 4k hours in and I have not gotten banned (I have been banned on SMAC NX1 supported servers). However, I do not condone this because ANYTHING can happen. The difference between you and me is I really don't care about virtualized items. Most of them were from betting anyway. So overall, I'm giving this cheat a 10/10 because it's the perfect legit cheat for tf2. Not only does Unstuck (the developer) actually listen, he 100% knows what he's doing. So, thumbs up to you! Also, I do not want or care about the free 1 week. This is a completely honest review.
  11. I never finished.
  12. Never used one. Should I?
  13. Ah shit, time to lower prices so kids can purchase.
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