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About jaydoc

  • Birthday 05/14/1995

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  1. i mean...you can't really complain about that
  2. RoyalHack as become really popular over the last month, so i was wondering where you guys heard or found out about them.
  3. There are only a few games i use hacks on to try and get an advantage as i usually play solo, so i need an edge to survive against games that have teams or clans. Most of the time i have no problem slaughtering clans when i see them I do however feel kinda bad when i see other solo or duo players farming for hours then for me to come along and kill them and take all their shit,. I usually don't target them now because i just feel kinda shitty making them spend all them hours farming just to lose it all. Do you guys ever feel like this?? Or maybe i just have a soft spot I'm missing out on a bunch of loot
  4. not sure if its's possible, but i have seen some that allow you to see other players inventory. Which would be pretty cool. I don't like killing everyone i see, to find out they have nothing on them
  5. Me too Has anyone got some inside information on how close it is to being released?
  6. Nice information here, i know what its like to get carried away while using a hack so it's best to use these tips to stay on the safe side. I am just mainly looking forward to using the ESP so should be all good
  7. Yeh, if it was for any other game i probably would think its to high
  8. Might be pre recorded videos he's already made
  9. It's OK now, my friend end up giving me one
  10. Are you still selling?
  11. I have been waiting for a rust hack for a while, so while it shouldn't be public. I hope i can get in on the invite. The price looks reasonable to me as well looking forward to how it turns out
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