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Everything posted by Klasss

  1. Actually you can get unbanned if you send them an email stating that you didn't cheat on the account (but it has to be true).
  2. there are already rules about inactive members.
  3. Try this:
  4. Actually you can only buy for one month. But the admins will certainly add a 3 month offer as Unstuck mentioned once.
  5. The rust cheat costs 35 euros/month
  6. Service still available
  7. He is still advertising RH lmao
  8. A public version is always bad for rust. Enjoy the easy detections and the massive refunds from random resellers.
  9. Good thing, i turned on google auth instantly
  10. Price is kinda high but its better this way to avoid random detections and to keep the good quality.
  11. Usually a few hours
  12. msg one of them: https://royalhack.net/search/?type=core_members&group[4]=1
  13. And Faceit is starting to become like them.
  14. If you have any question, pm me.
  15. With the release of the rust hack in a few weeks. I offer an hour boost service for the games: CSGO, CS 1.6 and obviously rust ! This service is completely free for all the members in these groups: Premium, Donators, Sponsored, Beta-Testers, Partners and Admins. If you aren't in these groups, you will have to pay 2$/month To boost your account, please send me a private message with the following informations: Username: (Your steam username) Password: (Your steam password) Games to boost: (CSGO/CS1.6/RUST) Hours to boost: (X hours or until i stop this service) + You must disable steam guard during this period to avoid the shitty code confirmation. You can still use the games in your account during the boost. It will shows an information box saying that the game is already being used. Just click "OK" and the boost will resume when you'll leave the game. Some of my boosted accounts: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198293093629/ (dota2:csgo;cs1.6) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198338062386/ (dota2:csgo) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143540186/ (dota2:csgo)
  16. I don't think that battleye is that more effective than EAC. Arma 3 and Dayz haven't big cheat communities.So its easy for them to ban the only publics cheats on the market.
  17. That's weird. I got like 5 accounts banned and my main is still clean (and i play on it). Maybe they are talking about the tracking and they only ban you if you are using a cheat. But its better to stay safe.
  18. I have been cheating on many rust accounts that got banned and my main has never been hit. I don't know if im lucky but i think that they dont ban your main if you don't cheat on it.
  19. They can easily ban you if you don't take any precautions after getting banned once. (HWID/IP etc..)
  20. There is no official release date but its estimated for 1-2 weeks
  21. Breaking Bag (>all ) Narcos The Knick
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