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  1. I use hide.me since 3,5 years and it´s for me the best provider for filesharing and gaming. Very good performance servers!
  2. only 2 mm Congratulations
  3. Franz, 47, from Berlin
  4. Im in with my wet pussy <3
  5. BaDBoY-Hack on CS 1.6. and Jukkiz Hack for Unreal Tournament
  6. Hello guys, here is my personal Review after one week using this hack. Sorry for my potatoe english but you will love it <3 Aimbot: 8/10 Why I give only 8 points? First of all the aimbot works like a charm! But it needs more love to work smooth. He works a little bit frantic in my opinion. I tried the humanize function and i dont feel any difference, or maybe I am to dumb to set it up correctly ESP: 10/10 This ESP is one of the best ESP what you can imagine. So much you can display with it. You want to hunt a beautiful bear but you dont find one? Then turn this beautiful ESP on! You want to farm Stone but you dont find any sulfur, metal or Ssone spot? Then turn this beautiful ESP on! You looking for weaponcomponentchest but you dont find any shit? Then turn this beautiful ESP on! Misc: 9/10 The misc features in this hack are awsome! The possibilitys with the settings are endless! You know already the features because everyone posted them! All what I need to said is, that it works perfectly!! All of them! The ladderhack should be run smoother but this is crying on a high level ;D Performance: 10/10 My mind is blowing away with this awsome performance!! - No fps drops!! - Inject so fast like a bolt - Sometimes the Picture is flaring but I dont give a fuck Royalhack Community: 11/10 One of the best features of this hack is the community No conceited members like in other Hacksellers!! Thank you for your hard work! Hope for a bright future! Greetings furchenlurch88 <3
  7. Yes i set it to mouse 5 and this dont work. Also the humanisation Settings dont change anything on the bot. Anything else works very fine
  8. That are my words too <3 Amazing hack! Only the Aimbot reacts to fast and my aimbotbutton dont work on my System
  9. Thank you for the detail informations <3
  10. thank you for your review mate <3
  11. Yeah you are right
  12. Interesting news for Rust! Greez
  13. Nice to hear Thought they want to report the binaries each other to make only alone profit! But thank you for your thoughts
  14. Rust CS:GO H1Z1:KotK Focus on those and your community will be the best on earth <3 Make a fair invitesystem and you guys are fine
  15. Like zero! But only the same ppls use the hack! The price is now astronomic in my eyes. BTW: Perfectaim admin is here beta-tester... Think this is not so good
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