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Everything posted by UnstucK

  1. Just like winrar, putty will never be deprecated.
  2. Typical HR Management tools ! My list would probably be smth like: WinRaR IDA HookShark Reclass Putty Filezilla Eclipse & VS Notepad++ (of course ...) And to be honest .... i would include discord aswell
  3. It's kinda in development No ETA, no promises
  4. If you are trying to edit a post like that then yea of course you can't Next time try clicking the 3 horizontal dots
  5. UnstucK

    Topman TF2

    Very chill 60fps video
  6. UnstucK


    Hello Double tap has been implemented in our development build. A fair amount of improvements are in the pipeline but it's not ready yet.
  7. A lot of the issues reported here are now patched
  8. No really, fake news
  9. Books, online resources, and of course IT engineering school
  10. It's fun ! Messing with computers since forever, it's a passion, for me at least No, it's actually 10% of my time Unsure what you mean by a stable cheat, a working cheat perhaps ? To be honest I have no clue, once you understand things, it's very quick to write a basic cheat. No, software engineering forever Have no idea about that too, but I never went on a 24H coding session for sure, at some point you just gotta sleep
  11. Nice catch. I'm fixing that aswell, the new patch is coming
  12. If I were you, i would first start learning the basics, how a computer works, what's an operating system, then go on with C programming. Think of a software you would like to implement, a basic one (most developers starts by coding a calculator, it's a classic), and just read C/C++ tutorials, then try to implement yourself. The most important part is: experiment, do not be scared to crash your program, who cares, as long as you understand every single line of code, you'll make progress As for materials, i have no clue to be honest, i learned programming a while ago, there are probably hundreds of very good websites/books to grab now, just pick one and focus !
  13. Hello, you must use the default TF2 rendering, aka DX9
  14. @thesstraight i updated the crosshairs, tell me if you have any issues with them now i'll move on to fixing CS2 issues
  15. thanks for the screenshot, will fix
  16. CS2 Hack deserve an update yep. Can you take a screenshot of the crosshair issue please ?
  17. Should be fixed now !
  18. Hello, Should be fixed now
  19. Yes, it is a bug since a recent backend modification of mine. I will fix it tomorrow, and will extend all L4D subscriptions by 2 days as compensation.
  20. It means your subscriptions will automatically be renewed/paid (weekly/monthly/yearly based on what you select). You can enable it now, and disable it later, or just opt-out for auto-renewal
  21. UnstucK

    RH in 2024?

    Would love that yea
  22. UnstucK

    RH in 2024?

    Nice gloves o_o
  23. Hello, We have automated activation already, if you purchase from us directly, using paypal or cryptos. You instead purchased through a reseller, you have to wait for his approval and our activation in this case. Your subscription has been activated less than 2 hours after RH received the notification from the reseller, which is considered a short delay. Next time, if you want it instantly, just pay it directly from our store.
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