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About GilGalad

  • Birthday 05/21/1977

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  1. Determine who is trusted, and who is not, need hidden methods. Photos on the background of a fresh newspaper will help you only if you kidnapper. Why do members with reputation speak diplomatically, and newcomers urge to burn resellers at the stake? Did someone create an army of clones?
  2. It is meaningless and easily counterfeited. There is one program for this: Photoshop.
  3. Protection will not improve. The remaining sentences are correct. It is necessary to check the availability of various programs and utilities that can be used to analyze the cheat.
  4. Nice number. I like it, too. Dog. Red. 69.
  5. OMG! WhY ArE YoU wItH uS lIkE tHiS?
  6. Someone opened this gift base.
  7. Lies of course. There is still no reliable information on how the cheat will be sold.
  8. Bad idea.
  9. May be EACed? There is always a choice. There are private cheats for 25 euros. You can try your luck there.
  10. Good work should be paid well. Probably for 3 months will make a discount, but it's wrong to do it more than 10-15%.
  11. Read this https://royalhack.net/announcement/2-about-rust-hack/
  12. It works. Flyhack from Rast developers.
  13. Elite (ZX Spectrum)
  14. Right. While they are searching for signatures private cheats will be out of reach.
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