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  1. Нет, вы не можете. Подождите, пока @UnstucKпримет решение.
  2. Just like @how02 said, you will keep everything! Don't be scared. EAC is shit. There will always be ways to get unbanned no matter what game it is.
  3. Hey There, I have posted a video regarding on how you can get yourself unbanned from Rust. Whether it would be HWID or IP banned. Thanks to @Arithmo Tutorial this was created to help you in a visual form. If their is anything that you may need Kind Regards, KrakObama
  4. That's good! H1Z1 and ArmA 3 is well known and so goes with Gmod.
  5. Hi There, For popularity and for the best money i would highly recommend you support next is ArmA 3. The reason being is because there aren't many providers out there doing cheats for ArmA 3 since they have really updated there Anti-Cheat. If you want to benefit from this. It's time to do so. Regards, KrakObama
  6. Operating System: Windows 10 64bit ENGLISH I agree to RH Rules & BETA Program
  7. But i would like one. Since im very active.
  8. Great! Hook me up with the IP so i can join and chill around.
  9. Yes that could be a idea. But a TeamSpeak or Discord Server that is dedicated to RoyalHack would be great.
  10. Hi There, I was wondering if RoyalHack can open some sort of server where everyone is able to communicate to each other. For example a Discord Server which is free to make. Or a TeamSpeak Server which may be hosted. But may cost money. I wanted to know what your idea's would be. Kind Regards, Krak
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