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First off I would like to say that I am very pleased with this chest. I have only been using it for a limited amount of time, but I can ensure you that the cheat is truly amazing.



The ESP has everything you can imagine, and the ability to customize the colors and choose what to display (HP, name, weapon, distance etc)... something I would like to see is the ability to customize each entity individually, yet this is a small detail and not something to cry over. The esp worked for about 500m for me, and did not affect my fps too much (maybe 5fps drop)... The radar does what it is supposed to, and will give you a headsup when someone's in a set range of you. 

With the intel this esp feature gives you; you always know when you should engage or not. Also you no longer have to guess what door to take down while raiding. Which is so  incredibly helpful.

The main thing I thought the visuals lacked was the ability to adjust their size...  For example if I wanted entity  descriptions to be tiny and not take up a lot of screen, it would be cool if I could do that. The reason I bring this up is sometimes with certain settings; the ESP crowds my screen.

I was having some glitches with ESP but they were soon fixed when I changed my resolution

Oh, and browny points for stash ESP.




Aimbot was the best I have ever seen for rust. It is quite tidy and works rather well. With the corrections bullet predictions in place, you are unstoppable. I would recommend setting guns and bows for chest only, and melee for head, because with how well this aimbot works; you hit a lot of your shots and may appear fishy.

The no recoil is flawless, the bullet prediction and correction works amazingly  well, very pleased. Expect to hit shots from very far distances, sometimes even with bow when they stand still. I haven't tested bullet correction with rocket launcher yet, but Jesus would that be OP :) ....

The only thing I didn't like about the aimbot, was that spears being thrown aren't corrected, and the aimbot thinks you are trying to hit them, so the spear won't fling at their heads, and instead their feet. The bow aimbot can sometimes struggle against people zig zagging at distances, but it will still hit shots.


Amazing... as long as you are smart with it you won't get kicked... I have only been kicked once, and it was when I was being stupid with it; trying to be an astronaut. Any base with no roof or open windows is easy raid... I swear I got 20k stone on rustafied just by raiding like this... All I have to say, is don't do it when people are near you, and don't abuse the crap out of it. 

Something that I think would be cool is benchmarks on the sliders that show your chance of being kicked for using that level jump hack or what ever. So you know what's safe for just roaming and what not.


Works perfectly well, haven't tested how far you can go in ocean for but I'm eager to find out. It can be a great way to avoid zergs or fights you shouldn't engage in. Sometimes people think you are being stupid for running towards water, when really you have the advantage.


Basically you can fly around the map and investigate whatever. Really helpful for scouting raids and what not. Also for checking people's roofs. 

Above a certain range from your character, you be able to see animations, but it still shows what they are holding and doing.

Also you can give your teammates a birds eye view and give them OP callouts


GUI is polished and organized. works well, but I had to press escape or tab or f1 to open it. It is a very minor thing and does not bug me at all. The menu let's you save configs smoothly, and trust me when i tell you this is a necessity...  I have different ESP load ups because sometimes i only want to find certain things and don't want a crouded screen.

the startup takes about 20 secs at most. it even closes steam for you, but I still recommend closing it yourself. 

Switching through configs and navigating the UI is a breeze. This cheat is 11/10 on user friendliness. 

Somethig I would like to see is a clock... So when your in bases or caves, or when you have fulbright on. Maybe just like an extension on the radar or something.


I believe you can go 30% faster at max. This speed hack is safe to use without getting kicked. it's also pretty easy to spot so be cautious. It's good for killing animals with melee and outrunning bears. Had no problem with the speed hack.


Believe it or not, this one removes fall damage. It's great for doing parkour at rad towns, and going down cliffs or fleeing raids. not much to say about this one, except for "it works perfectly, as expected"


You hit nearly twice the speed by eliminating a lot of the animation. As long as no one can hear you it's safe. This is pretty hard to notice in rock fights on the beach, but gives you a big advantage.

This one feature, eliminates so much early game and am so thankful for it.

Something that would be nice to have on the topic of melee, is aimbot options for tools and the rock.


This hack is everything I could ask for, and I had high expectations knowing this dev team. Honestly this  cheat made rust a different game for me and honestly was such a fun experience.

As long as you don't play like an idiot you will likely not get banned, and I doubt his cheat will be detected in the future, but then again you never know.

Overall rating 10/10... 

Thank you dev for this amazing product that we all strongly appreciate.



Don't do anything that people can easily spot and get you banned for. For example; climbing up active bases with people around. Best to  do cheeky raids at night with fullbright

Don't finish people if you don't have to. Best not to make a name for yourself, or if you do let it be a good one.

Miss some shots... Just do it, even when you are panicking. I know it might be hard in clutch situations, but it's sometimes best not to risk it for the biscuit.

Dont sh*t where you eat... raid bases that aren't  your next door neighboors with the ladder hack. 

Avoid official servers, or being blatant on them... Its better getting a server ban than a game ban. 

Okay, that's my review... Hope I helped someone. If you think i'm full of crap or got something wrong tell me.




Edited by stezz
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4 minutes ago, eKKKo said:

Have you tried changing the key for the Aimbot?

Yes i set it to mouse 5 and this dont work. Also the humanisation Settings dont change anything on the bot. Anything else works very fine :)

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Just now, Kano said:

Great review, is it released to private or you got beta? been checking for updates everyday :(

The only people who have it are the beta testers or the people who received invites. Only way to get the hacks are with an invite

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