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How much will Rust cheat be?


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1 minute ago, Soaplington said:

I still see the hack too pricy , costing more than the game itself + temporary usage becauese one day or another we will get VACed for it

May be EACed? :) 

There is always a choice. There are private cheats for 25 euros. You can try your luck there.

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21 minutes ago, Soaplington said:

I still see the hack too pricy , costing more than the game itself + temporary usage becauese one day or another we will get VACed for it

Rust Key are around 8€.

So our hack should be lower that value ?

The price is not high for the amount of work we've put into the development. We just can't work for free. That's actually the basis of economy.

And no you wont get VACed for it .

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Finally now with this information known, I agree with the price a high quality product deserves to cost around that much. For example Bol for league its only 10 a month but for high quality scripts u can spend up to 30 dollars for a single champ script. However with over 125 champions in the game it can get expensive real quick. The bad part is that its open not invite so the tendency to get banned is higher. However since this might be invite only hack should lower your chances of being banned if you don't play like a baboon.

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1 hour ago, khione said:

Well, if it will be private it will be much safer but i'm not sure if i'll be invited. :|

in my personal opinion, i believe that this project that has been going on the nearly half a year, should not be risked going public prematurely. i think that we should let this project turn into something successful and valuable, rather than a public p2c that gets detected every odd week.

i am confident the cheat's dev will make the right decision

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Well if they make it public it will definitely be detected once a while. They are working so hard to make the cheat and just like that they should protect it. Updating the cheat every time it gets detected would be too much work for them. But whatever they decide i'll support them.

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On 2017/3/20 at 6:45 PM, UnstucK said:

We have started figuring out a price range with @how02

  • Rust FULL Edition 30€
    • Aimbot & ESP
    • Accuracy Tweaks (norecoil/spread/wutever)
  • Rust Exploits Edition 40€
    • FULL Edition included
    • Game exploits included (fly hack, speedhack, ladderhack, waterhack, others ...)

We also want to restrict people from buying our products, we might follow the "invitation" modal stuff, but that's still under discussion, especially on implementations matters.

The following informations are not final !



Both old Royal Hack & KGCheats project died years ago.

It's a fresh start & merge, so we don't take into consideration previous purchases/members/behaviors.

I agree with this price If I get an invitation, I'll keep my monthly payment

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The price is not totally out, but it's slightly above the market, I believe the top hack for 30 would be more enjoyable. At least for me that could not spend more = p
Anyway, the invitation model is always safer, I believe it takes longer to be profitable, but only the fact that it is not detectable makes users loyal and maintains brand quality, so far I have not seen any publics last Both without detection in rust, it seems to me that they do a good job when they have access to the cheat. But I may be wrong ; )

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Price is definitely not high, with the amount of work and time put into the rust project it shouldn't be lower than 30$, if you're looking for scrapyard cheats you'll find on the internet but what you're looking for here is quality and no mediocre. 

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