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What i say in here u must add @UnstucK

Make csgo hvh cheat beta after rust and pubg.

Make the csgo beta have many exploits like python and lua and other script language executers.

Make many exploits in all cheats like server crashers on rust cheat and csgo cheat.

Thats all melon can think of today.



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1 hour ago, impuremelon said:

What i say in here u must add @UnstucK

Make csgo hvh cheat beta after rust and pubg.

Make the csgo beta have many exploits like python and lua and other script language executers.

Make many exploits in all cheats like server crashers on rust cheat and csgo cheat.

Thats all melon can think of today.



I will not work on a HvH cheat.

I already don't have enough time to release new hacks as fast as I want ...

If some nerd who investigated source engine for years and found leeb exploits wants to sell them on RH, then hell why not, but otherwise, nope.

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35 minutes ago, UnstucK said:

I will not work on a HvH cheat.

I already don't have enough time to release new hacks as fast as I want ...

If some nerd who investigated source engine for years and found leeb exploits wants to sell them on RH, then hell why not, but otherwise, nope.

Ok so thats not a no for a rust server crasher. so i have to find a humster that will donate a source server crasher.

Edited by impuremelon
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