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Everything posted by dusugerkuk

  1. from qualities ive seen from unstucks work i feel royal trainers would be epic, but its up to unstuck. and some pub trainers have viruses, dont work, or just suck
  2. Idea from me personally : Trainers. Trainers are a quick and easy solution to cheats for games that dont have much of an anticheat at all, keeping them nice and cheap would be perfect and also serve a nice and quick way for players to get quick cheats for games such as single player games and what not, I can name a few from the top of my head. Skyrim Borderlands Fallout etc.
  3. This is an Unofficial Thread for requesting games to have cheats built in for and ideas for current ones. Rules : Keep it clean, please don't be toxic Read what others have said before you comment, someone may have said what you are going to say!
  4. dang, really lucky lol just goes to show what can almost happen when were driving these 2 ton man-made machines...
  5. +1 just for APB. such a great game..
  6. alpha men himself tyler1 league streamers like voy or peanut and I often tune into random speedrunners do u guys watch any streamers/have favorites ?
  7. hack usually just to have fun with friends and to get a good rank without putting as much time into the game as much as other people . love hacking, always will, but a game isnt worth cheating on if theres already tons of cheaters/botters
  8. nice i get neg rep for someting not worthy of neg rep ;-;
  9. it will most likely never be released, its invite only for a reason c:
  10. [if this could be pinned, please do :P.] Q: Is the Rust Cheat out yet? A : Yes, it is in a system of invitation, basically the beta testers can invite people they want to into the cheat access. Using their "trusted" rank. Q: How can I earn this invite? A : A Beta tester has to give you one. Q: How much does the Rust cheat cost? A : 35 Euro. Q: Is there any way to be sponsored? A : Yes! You must have 10k subscribers (last time i saw :P) Guidelines : * Please do NOT beg Trusted members for the cheat, it makes you look obnoxious and ignorant around your surroundings, they are people too, and please look around. Keep in mind, you can lose ALOT of rep from this, take this post as an example. https://i.gyazo.com/66d56e756aecf96f47203ac5b0d99dc0.png Not only did this member lose 6 rep, but clearly was ignorant upon his surroundings. *Please do not try to Bribe the beta testers for the cheat, it is impossible to give out and ive had two spam accounts pm me inquiring upon this very topic. *Please be kind to others, even if you are in a race for the cheat. I get it, its an amazing cheat, it doesnt mean you should all climb over eachother for it :P.
  11. ETA is around a week.
  12. all of those have been said already
  13. speed hack is no longer possible. my list : Aimbot/triggerbot, features including pSilent, changing of the smoothness, etc. bypasses for all anticheats ESP for searched props, you can search for props installed by the server, and search for the name in order to add it for esp. keypad answers for silent raids, so if someone types in their answers you can see it aswell. Noclip (clientsided) No Fall damage if possible. Infinite Ammo.
  14. i believe this fellow deservesers the beta cheat!
  15. Great Video!
  16. it will stay undetected, theres no way EAC is getting their hands on the binaries, but i dont wanna jinx it
  17. 1 month, the beta stage takes 1 month, so around after that it will release
  18. no, it wouldnt, Royal's developers are always on task looking for privacy, they have had rust cheat in development for 4-5 months, maybe even longer.
  19. damn that text is larger than tyler1's lips
  20. WindowsやMACなどのオペレーティングシステムの状態を表示する
  21. いいえ、いいえ、あなたのオペレーティングシステムをリストし、「RH規則とBETAプログラムに同意する」と言う必要があります
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