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banek192 last won the day on March 2

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  1. How i can help you?
  2. Which cheat you want to purchase?
  3. Hello. Yes i can help you with that, but you will little overpay due to payment method you're using.
  4. oh man dont talk about russain cheats, its pretty bad and C+P. Even it was detected before. I know only 3 good RU cheats for CSGO and midnight not one of them. Royalhack made for legit play and you have very low risks for ban.
  5. It still didn't updated with new security so use it ONLY at your own risk.
  6. Not sure why you want standalone RCS but cheat already have X\Y Scale. Works with pSilent probably but using silent aim with RCS can cause a shakes for spectators.
  7. Yes cheat works just fine on SMAC servers. I have tested it some time ago.
  8. To be honest if reseller understand his job it can't be a problem. I'm working since 2009 year and come here only because I know this site long time and trust it. And because I have many trusted users. No any reason to lost this good hacks for any money for selling to non trusted users. IMO.
  9. Thats why you shoud use watermark on any video that you uploaded to youtube.
  10. banek192


    Hello. There is no ETA for this game. and for sure it will be on private sales only.
  11. it just doesnt works after first hit. but i dont think admin see any logs with that.
  12. Yeah it is. But not a surprise.
  13. I think this will explain. Sorry, didnt have English version but its not a problem. https://youtu.be/NV52teAH_mo?t=1m56s
  14. oh man this is easy quastion. just buy vodka and found a bear. enjoy
  15. i'm doubt about this. in russia we have around 4 cheats that supporting BattlEye games and so far no any problems. also i know cheat that in P2C sales and everyone can purchase it. they are also works without problems. But EAC in RUST was detected all RU cheats even in private sales. also this EAC works pretty good in other games.
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