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Trial for old member?


Heyy boys!


Good to see u guys back!

I miss the old days from css! But now u guys are back!

So im currently using another cheat provider, and yeah, i bought it before this cheat came back.

So when my cheat run out in some months i will come back!

But i could also be interessted in a trial, just to see what u guys new statement with the cheat is!


Anyways merry chrismas boys!


Keep up the good work

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4 answers to this question

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If you're an old member, you should remember the ability(the strength and all-around greatness) RoyalHack had, and why it was so great and loved back in the days for CS:S. The developer team is the same and even more experienced, there'll be no disappointment.

Cheat is cheap and there's a huge amount of users who can tell you for the price, the cheat is absolutely worth it. As for trials, I think the answer will be "no" but UnstucK and the other administrators are really generous and we'll see what they say.


EDIT: Merry Christmas! Hope to see you as a customer soon.

Edited by shiro
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