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Anti-virus or firewalls might cause the following errors:

Unable to inject into target process

Third party overlays (Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, OBS, Discord, Overwolf, whatever...) might cause the following error:

Unable to inject into target process


EDIT: What game? If none of those fix it, it's possible the game is outdated.

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On 4/1/2018 at 2:17 AM, complexity said:

csgo , I have my firewalls disabled and discord was closed still got the error. the error is open not inject


You extracted the hack ? (You download a zip, extract exe from that zip).

You started the hack as Administrator ?

IF it still fails, then an Anti Virus is causing the issue. Sometimes even disabling the antivirus prevents doesn't help, as it still monitor/blocks things in the backdoor.

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