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  1. Management, can you invite me?
  2. I absolutely believe in Royal hackers, and even if they are banned, I also want to be invited.
  3. I don't know when I can get the invitation. It looks so difficult. Who can tell me what needs to be achieved?
  4. RTEN


    Ok,thanks you!
  5. RTEN


    hello,Administrators!I would like to ask, there is no intention to open invitationI've been waiting a long time, I don't know how to get an invitation.
  6. Management has been notified will be released within 48 hours, look forward to ah
  7. Although someone sold out royalhack, but I still look forward to release as soon as possible, although I have not been invited, but I hope the community can do better. Good night everyone.
  8. 我羡慕你的邀请。
  9. That's a bad thing
  10. I come from China, nice to meet you!
  11. RTEN


    me too~I really want to get RoyalHack!
  12. RoyalHack's strength everybody can see
  13. RTEN


    Oh, I see Thank you very much.
  14. RTEN


    I don't have the right to chat? Is it because there is no donation?
  15. RTEN


    Management, I really like the Royal, but also very supportive of the Royal development, I really want to get the Royal, only through donations to get it?
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