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  1. Misuzu

    Aimbot css

    Make sure you max out the distance on it all the way if it's at 0 it wont work.
  2. Just saying I can confirm bhop is detected by SMAC and LilAC (with SMAC bypass on, which I think is for the aimbot only) with my week of using RH! Does anyone know what command to use to check if LilAC is running on a server? I know for SMAC you can do smac_status to see if a server has it. Auto strafe is undetected by all and safe I suggest you manually doing Bhopping and or an AHK script with it! I would like to do more extensive testing with RH CSS but as of now I shall wait a bit before I subscribe again due to personal finance issues. I wish more users posted on this forum more actively, but it seems to be rather underground. I aim to help this CSS cheat be the best around. Furthermore, I have some low digit 2003 steam accounts I plan on using with RH legit settings if anyone else does legit settings only with RH please get with me to discuss settings to fine-tune and be as legit as possible.
  3. Was there ever an update to this inquiry? I'm curious about this as well. Seeing as this cheat was updated in 2023 I have high hopes, the other provider lifetime I have cannot bypass SMAC or LilAC it's embarrassing, and they refuse to do any updates. Is the bhop also undetected by SMAC/LilAC?
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