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  1. @UnstucK I see your point. Most probably I would support you guys if it was invite only, safer that way
  2. I still see the hack too pricy , costing more than the game itself + temporary usage becauese one day or another we will get VACed for it
  3. AnticheatGarry Newman It’s obvious that our previous anticheat strategies aren’t working. Cheaters and Cheat makers have become accustomed to the routine and have learned how to coexist with it. We need to switch it up. A good number of persistent cheaters have a main account alongside a string of accounts on which they cheat and expect to be banned. We can see these accounts, we can see how they’re used, how they benefit from the actions of your cheater accounts. Previously we’ve only banned accounts that were used for cheating; from now on if you’re caught we’ll ban all of your accounts.
  4. http://playrust.com/devblog-115/
  5. But according to Devblog 115, all related accounts will be banned
  6. Since i read that they ban all related accounts how will i avoid my main being banned?
  7. @how02 i remember his friends name though , .HELLO , he assisted "m13...." in scamming. Both of them got vaced after advertising "their own made hack" on the server
  8. @how02 the list is for march 08 not march 07
  9. @how02 that is my friendlist ?
  10. I disagree with this. This will get patched faster if it keeps being advertised on youtube
  11. The hack isnt going to last long if people keep uploading it on youtube and how it is used etc. Make it a rule not to upload videos about it on youtube
  12. @UnstucK I don't have it unfortunately because he was using a name spoofer
  13. I remember the nickname - m13 something and Hello. I have his skype profile however
  14. Is there any way I can get the closed beta?
  15. So I encountered someone using the ladder thing on an official and he said he has the hack as beta release from the royal hack and he would sell it to me, for 15$. Well I paid him he went off yada yada he blocked me, I am getting a refund tonight. I want to know if it was one of you guys here, and if you are, you're dumb sorry to say
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