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Big hello!! First time to royalhack and first post :) i was looking for a rust hack as wanted to have some fun annoying a few of my real life friends who spend way to much time on rust, the game is good but takes long to grind as they own a vanilla server EAC secured!!  i really want to toy with them!! 

Im guessing there is a lot of people like myself who would like a cheat for rust and from what ive been reading we need an invite? but im starting this thread as i would like to participate in any exploited hack or anything for Rust only and anyone else who would like to join me in my journey to achieving it without getting a ban. (ive never been banned before)

The one thing i would love to see is some sort of codelock bruteforce hack error again. 

Hope i am welcome here and hopefully can contribute something to the group

speak soon!!





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I would really love an invite to the Rust cheat too but it seems as if slots are tight and many others are wanting it aswell. I've tried a few other providers but the competition to get an invite is huge, either that or the management is very poor and people who don't speak up about applications and enlistment go nowhere. I have put countless hours into Rust and I would just like to come home and have fun instead of farming for hours, and even days on end to wound up getting raided by a massive zerg clan. I've been trying to get my hands on a cheat for months now, and the operators/providers suggest you "wait out approval" or "wait your turn", but when I don't speak up about it I just sit there and rot in a forever-expanding queue. I have only just recently registered and I'm already seeing great potential, good luck to anyone else who has been seeking a Rust cheat like me for a very long time with very little luck so far. Regardless of the detection problems RoyalHack has temporarily been through, I'm genuinely interested in the cheat and I'm going to thrive for it. See ya all around! :P

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