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OS: Windows 10 x64 English

Games: CSGO / Rust

Referer none

I agree to the Terms.

have lots of accounts to try it on and would be a pleasure to try it out


Edited by ruskituski

I am glad to see the release of the new Royal hack CS:GO cheat!

I am an old Royalhack VIP member. I know it since 2008 and became a VIP member in 2009. Proof:



I am interested in becoming a beta tester, and buying a subscription once its available. Here is the info:

OS: Windows 7 x64

Games: CSGO


OS: Windows 10 x64 English
Dual Boot: Windows 7x64

Games: CSGO / Rust

Referer: nobody

I agree to the terms.

I got multiple accounts to test for rust and CS/GO.
I have also used private hacks before for rust. 
Please pick me cause my username is funny and badass and I won't let you down, boss.

Edited by JustinBieber

OS: Windows 10 x64 French

Games: CSGO (Multiple suicide accounts)

Referer: None

I agree to the terms.

Missing you since a long time and just got hitted by Hb banwave so fully back to cs go

Best regards,



OS: Windows 10 Pro x64

Games: CSGO

Referer: Nobody, but would love to find a new place to stay ^^..

I agree to the terms.


If choosen or not, thx anyway for even provide a free Test & wish you only the best for the Product!




Edited by pipodremo12

OS: Windows 8.1 Pro English

Games: Rust

Referer: None/ a Youtube Video ;)

I agree to the terms.

I think I would be active, I have multiple rust account and will probably give feedback daily If needed can also record videos If needed ;)

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