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2 hours ago, HeyMickeyYourSoFine said:

I just wondered if the community was growing/shrinking, staying fixed in size. Is much happening, here or elsewhere? Any myg0t people around? What's going on?!


Most people just don't visit forums, they grab the loader, and that's it :) 

They come back to the website to either renew, or to report an issue.

We still have some myg0t people around yep.


btw, who are you since you seems to know RH & myg0t but you just registered :) 

Thanks! UnstucK.

I know the forums here don't seem to be too active, in the sense that there's at least a few posts per day, week, or even month, though I wondered if there's more activity on IRC/discord. I haven't actually used discord much...I don't know where people hang out.

I first encountered myg0t back in 2001 in CS jolt.co.uk (6 vs 6 public) de_dust ONLY servers.

Not too long after, I was doing myg0t antics using celebrity nicknames. Without any myg0t association (not cheating). Griefing/inspiring rage, team wounding, team flashing.

I noticed that there are no cheats for 1.6 available here? Why is that? (Curious). The cheats that I've found available online that I have tried don't seem to work. So I thought I'd start making my own.

I've been using Ollydbg and Cheat Engine so far.


Edited by HeyMickeyYourSoFine
added team flashing to post
On 11/10/2022 at 8:42 PM, HeyMickeyYourSoFine said:

Thanks! UnstucK.

I know the forums here don't seem to be too active, in the sense that there's at least a few posts per day, week, or even month, though I wondered if there's more activity on IRC/discord. I haven't actually used discord much...I don't know where people hang out.

I first encountered myg0t back in 2001 in CS jolt.co.uk (6 vs 6 public) de_dust ONLY servers.

Not too long after, I was doing myg0t antics using celebrity nicknames. Without any myg0t association (not cheating). Griefing/inspiring rage, team wounding, team flashing.

I noticed that there are no cheats for 1.6 available here? Why is that? (Curious). The cheats that I've found available online that I have tried don't seem to work. So I thought I'd start making my own.

I've been using Ollydbg and Cheat Engine so far.


Nice :) 

Well IRC is a relic of the past, and Discord we are not welcome there.

Royal Hack had several discord servers, all got banned because talking about game hacking is prohibited.

We instead created a Telegram which is active enough but mostly NSFW shitposting o_o




As for CS1.6 hacks, it's such a dead game that we didn't port the old RH hack to the rework.

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