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29 minutes ago, iggy808 said:

Hey, I jst logged into my acc again and saw my cheap RoyalHack s lifetime sub from like 2010 is gone and I received 999 Warning points By MaareK1587304456, January 1, 1970.

lmao nice @MaareK

So yea, two things, first the lifetime subscriptions (CSGO Cheap 10€) died when we closed Royal Hack in 2013 as it was the lifetime of the project.

RH re-opened 2016, with a new project & subscriptions plans (no more Cheap RH).

You should have received an email, we still offer 3 Months for free (which is already more expensive than the price you paid many years ago for Cheap RH) to all Cheap RH former subscribers.

So yea, contact me in private message, I'll activate your 3Months.

As for the warning point, do not worry, it's just a notification because we recently merged old RH website accounts to this new one.

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