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What do you think are some of the best applications that have ever been released?

My list:

  • Notepad++
    • Only downside is that it's Windows only
  • System Informer (previously known as Process Hacker)
    • This is just a glorious project, once again there is no match for this in other OS: s and this is Windows only
  • Obsidian
    • This is a gamechanger if you do lots of stuff that needs to be documented, it's basically a glorified Markdown viewer + editor but it does that with tons of plugins, themes and easy organization of your notes and technical documentations, also works on almost any desktop or mobile platform and you can choose to sync your "vault" using Obsidians own cloud or just throw that vault folder to any basic syncing service, iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, Nextcloud, whatever you happen to be using
  • AIMP
    • Once again Windows-only application that I dont really use these days but this is just a spiritual successor to Winamp, you can swap between modern and classic layouts on almost all the themes ("skins") and tons of useful plugins, very nice project even when listening to local music is not that much of a thing anymore these days
  • Flameshot
    • Linux screenshot utility, basically like Windows Snipping Tool but on steroids, light+effective  and there basically goes not a single day that I would not use it
  • VSCode and it's variations, OSS, VSCodium etc.
    • After "regular" Visual Studio there were small "IDE-wars" that happened and this was the one that everyone ended up using, Atom, Brackets etc. faded away, I've had zero reasons to use regular Visual Studio anymore, only use case I can imagine is C# + WPF since the built-in XAML editor s actually very necessary
  • Scammer 1
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18 minutes ago, UnstucK said:

Typical HR Management tools !

My list would probably be smth like:

  • WinRaR
  • IDA
  • HookShark
  • Reclass
  • Putty
  • Filezilla
  • Eclipse & VS
  • Notepad++ (of course ...)

And to be honest .... i would include discord aswell


I will deprecate your Putty usage with this:

ssh -i unstucks_key [email protected] -p 1337

IDA was a good catch, dunno why I didn't mention it, still using it in Linux world

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1 hour ago, menc9re said:

I will deprecate your Putty usage with this:

ssh -i unstucks_key [email protected] -p 1337

IDA was a good catch, dunno why I didn't mention it, still using it in Linux world

Just like winrar, putty will never be deprecated.

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