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9 hours ago, thesstraight said:

Hey I want to get into networking in C++ making severs and clients as such. Any good material like learncpp.com does?

If I were you, i would first start learning the basics, how a computer works, what's an operating system, then go on with C programming. Think of a software you would like to implement, a basic one (most developers starts by coding a calculator, it's a classic), and just read C/C++ tutorials, then try to implement yourself.

The most important part is: experiment, do not be scared to crash your program, who cares, as long as you understand every single line of code, you'll make progress :) 

As for materials, i have no clue to be honest, i learned programming a while ago, there are probably hundreds of very good websites/books to grab now, just pick one and focus !

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I have been making programs in C++ for some time. I am starting chapter 8 on learncpp.com going thru to learn more and I can say my coding has improved, I have watched YT courses for C and went thru whole learn-c.org website. Made game hacks recently d3d9 wallhack but now I find my interest in networking. Thanks for your response!

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