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Hey guys =] 

Here is my own review for the hack, I've been using it for a long time ( I paused CS:GO & Royalhack ) but I think I have something like 3 months of using RoyalHack ;)

Aimbot 9/10

I'm mainly using the silent aimbot, because I feel better without something that can move my crosshair for me, and it is reaaaaally good, I have a pretty good aim without aimbot and with the silent aimbot ( 0.5 - 0.6 FOV ) I feel like Scream sometimes, one taping everyone without being obvious, I never used normal aimbot so I can't judge it :) Something like a fov changer when the ennemy is away or very close to you, and maybe a crosshair option showing the FOV and it would be absolutely perfect.

ESP 9/10 

I'm using ESP and it's really good, a lot of differents options but a chams option would be perfect too for a legit playstyle.

Skin Changer / Misc 10/10

Everything works perfectly, the fact of playing with a shit ton of skins that normally costs the price of my house is something I like very much.

The Rank option to see the ennemy's ranks is good too, can makes you playing different sometimes when you see that there is someone low ranked who's getting boosted or smth, works good.

I'm using the bunnyhop times to times and It do its jobs perfectly, I feel like phoon sometimes Kappa


I've tested a lot of hax and I'd recommend only this one, plus it has a great staff & support so If you have any problems, they will be here to help you :)

The community is nice too and willing to help you if you have any questions who can be solved by a normal user =) 

very gud hax, i recomend ++


if you guys want to pay me for this good feedback, do not hesitate Kappa 





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