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DODS Premium

(3 reviews)
From 4.00 EUR/month
 Master Switch  Auto Shoot  Vertical Aim  Auto Duck  Norecoil  Nospread  Target Hitboxes Priority (Prefer closest hitbox to crosshair, or most damage)  Aim Type Plain, Smooth, Silent, Perfect Silent  Aim Priority Select target closest to you, or closest to your crosshair  Aim FOV  Aim Smooth  Aim Smooth Max Limit  Autowall Minimum damage (Required damage to penetrate before shooting at the target)  Filter Target Players Ignore Teammates Ignore Friends Ignore Spawn Protected  Bind Custom Key which activates aimbot while held [Triggerbot]
 Master Switch  Hitgroups Selectable target hitgroups (head, chest, stomach etc.)  Type Normal, Nospread, Seed (Force seed with "no spread")  Duration (Duration to hold attack, after target is acquired)  Delay (Delay before attacking, after target is acquired)  Filter Target Players Ignore Teammates Ignore Friends  Bind  Custom key which activates triggerbot, while being held [ESP]
 Master Switch  Ignore Teammates  Laser Beams (Show player view direction and distance)  Health Text  Health Bar  Head Dot (Draw a dot on players head)  Name  Distance  Active Weapon  Snapline  Skeleton  Hitboxes  Draw On Radar (Draws the entity on radarhack as well)  Conditions (Display entity conditions, if it has any)  Box Drawer Enabled (Enable / disable BOX ESP) Outline (Should the box be outlined or not?) 2D or 3D box 2D box corner length  Glow  Enabled Ignore Teammates  Chams Enabled Ignore Teammates Ignore Z (Draw trough walls) Custom material  Settings Glow Style (Blur or sharp outline, with custom blur amount) ESP item position (where to draw the ESP items? Top of the entity, bottom, left etc.) Laser Beam settings (Customize beam width and alpha)  World ESP (bomb targets, throwables, flags, dropped weapons) Glow, Chams, same visuals as the players have [MISC]
 Bunnyhop  Low Detail Models (draw all models with high LOD)  Draw Aimbot FOV (draw the fov of currently active weapon)  Remove Scope (remove sniper scope overlay while zooming)  Anti SMAC (prevent viewangle snaps)  Disable FOG (stop FOG from rendering)  Unlock Deploy View (Unlock view restrictions, while using a deployed MG)  Auto Pistol (Automatically spam with pistols and other semi-auto weapons)  Viewmodel FOV Enabled Viewmodel FOV additive amount  FOV Enabled FOV additive amount  Other Thirdperson, with custom view offsets and ability to draw visuals on localplayer  Spammer Chat spammer, to spam custom messages into the game chat [SPECTATORLIST]
 Show players which the game reports as spectating you, and in what mode (THIRDPERSON, FIRSTPERSON etc.) [RADAR]
 Point Name (Enable / disable names drawn on the points)  Point Outline (Enable / disable outline drawn on the points)  Point Size (Size of the points drawn on the radar)  Range (Range of the radar) [CUSTOMIZATION]
 Set custom color for each entitygroup  Set custom font for each entitgroup
 Draw one of the custom crosshairs that the plugin has to offer
 Add players to a friendlist, so they get an unique color and can be ignored in Aimbot, Triggerbot etc.
 Set custom keys to bind certain plugin functionality ON / OFF
 Notification system notifies you of in game events, you being spectated etc.
 Create, save and load custom configs with custom names


About DODS Premium


  •  Master Switch
  •  Auto Shoot
  •  Vertical Aim
  •  Auto Duck
  •  Norecoil
  •  Nospread
  •  Target Hitboxes
    • Priority (Prefer closest hitbox to crosshair, or most damage)
  •  Aim Type
    • Plain, Smooth, Silent, Perfect Silent
  •  Aim Priority
    • Select target closest to you, or closest to your crosshair
  •  Aim FOV
  •  Aim Smooth
  •  Aim Smooth Max Limit
  •  Autowall
    • Minimum damage (Required damage to penetrate before shooting at the target)
  •  Filter
    • Target Players
    • Ignore Teammates
    • Ignore Friends
    • Ignore Spawn Protected
  •  Bind
    • Custom Key which activates aimbot while held


  •  Master Switch
  •  Hitgroups
    • Selectable target hitgroups (head, chest, stomach etc.)
  •  Type
    • Normal, Nospread, Seed (Force seed with "no spread")
  •  Duration (Duration to hold attack, after target is acquired)
  •  Delay (Delay before attacking, after target is acquired)
  •  Filter
    • Target Players
    • Ignore Teammates
    • Ignore Friends
  •  Bind
  •  Custom key which activates triggerbot, while being held


  •  Master Switch
  •  Ignore Teammates
  •  Laser Beams (Show player view direction and distance)
  •  Health Text
  •  Health Bar
  •  Head Dot (Draw a dot on players head)
  •  Name
  •  Distance
  •  Active Weapon
  •  Snapline
  •  Skeleton
  •  Hitboxes
  •  Draw On Radar (Draws the entity on radarhack as well)
  •  Conditions (Display entity conditions, if it has any)
  •  Box Drawer
    • Enabled (Enable / disable BOX ESP)
    • Outline (Should the box be outlined or not?)
    • 2D or 3D box
    • 2D box corner length
  •  Glow
    •  Enabled
    • Ignore Teammates
  •  Chams
    • Enabled
    • Ignore Teammates
    • Ignore Z (Draw trough walls)
    • Custom material
  •  Settings
    • Glow Style (Blur or sharp outline, with custom blur amount)
    • ESP item position (where to draw the ESP items? Top of the entity, bottom, left etc.)
    • Laser Beam settings (Customize beam width and alpha)
  •  World ESP (bomb targets, throwables, flags, dropped weapons)
    • Glow, Chams, same visuals as the players have


  •  Bunnyhop
  •  Low Detail Models (draw all models with high LOD)
  •  Draw Aimbot FOV (draw the fov of currently active weapon)
  •  Remove Scope (remove sniper scope overlay while zooming)
  •  Anti SMAC (prevent viewangle snaps)
  •  Disable FOG (stop FOG from rendering)
  •  Unlock Deploy View (Unlock view restrictions, while using a deployed MG)
  •  Auto Pistol (Automatically spam with pistols and other semi-auto weapons)
  •  Viewmodel FOV
    • Enabled
    • Viewmodel FOV additive amount
  •  FOV
    • Enabled
    • FOV additive amount
  •  Other
    • Thirdperson, with custom view offsets and ability to draw visuals on localplayer
  •  Spammer
    • Chat spammer, to spam custom messages into the game chat


  •  Show players which the game reports as spectating you, and in what mode (THIRDPERSON, FIRSTPERSON etc.)


  •  Point Name (Enable / disable names drawn on the points)
  •  Point Outline (Enable / disable outline drawn on the points)
  •  Point Size (Size of the points drawn on the radar)
  •  Range (Range of the radar)


  •  Set custom color for each entitygroup
  •  Set custom font for each entitgroup


  •  Draw one of the custom crosshairs that the plugin has to offer


  •  Add players to a friendlist, so they get an unique color and can be ignored in Aimbot, Triggerbot etc.


  •  Set custom keys to bind certain plugin functionality ON / OFF


  •  Notification system notifies you of in game events, you being spectated etc.


  •  Create, save and load custom configs with custom names


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Best. Cheat. For. DOD:S. That's it.



Solid cheat with all essential features that you'll ever need for a great price as well

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