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Everything posted by Virus1x

  1. So they don't put anything in it, it used to be they packaged an ISO. They no longer do that, they make you install official windows ISO and then modify it with their toolkit which is all open source on their GITHUB.
  2. Literally a fucking psychopath.
  3. I miss the old days, when you could type in a STEAM ID on a website and find out what game they were playing of Valve's and what server they were in. Made chasing valve admins to rage hack against them so fun!
  4. Do you run Windows 10? Do you run Windows 11? You a psychopath and still run Windows 7? You a super psychopath and use Windows 8/8.1? (If yes, you need to be committed) Me: I run AtlasOS Windows 10, Why? Because fuck windows updates breaking shit and honestly fuck all the excess shit windows add's by default you don't need.
  5. Great Video, Thanks for sharing. I love the dashing strafe jumps.
  6. Nothing beats these! I also miss de_cpl_mill de_cpl_fire
  7. My favorite memory I have was the Rear View mirror cheat RoyalHack had that no one else did. It was cool, and it was absolutely hilarious.
  8. Garry's Mod, is still to this day an insanely popular game. There are very few developers who still dedicate their time to the game, as a large majority of cheat sites that do support it use LUA based scripts. This is at times overall very risky and something Garry (The GMOD coder) has caught frequently and with great ease. Royal Hack has been around for over 16 years now and they do their very best to ensure the safety of their members, if something breaks they fix it and they do develop improvements all the time. Currently, with the Launch of CS2 & TF2's new expansion and game mode. Dev's are hard at work upgrading those, but fear not at this point in time the Garry's Mod cheat isn't going anywhere and they still support very old games. Like the Left 4 Dead franchise, Counter-Strike:Source and Day of Defeat:Source. So it certainly shows their dedication to the games they currently offer cheats for.
  9. I mean setting the Panic Key to something most people don't ever press so if you are manually reviewed is easy!
  10. Royal Hack currently does not trigger VACLive, VAC bans, Untrusted or Result in RED Trust factor, however remember if you play like an idiot and people report you, it can affect your overall trust factor. However from the software aspect, you are 100% safe putting your trust in Royal Hack.
  11. I'm an old fuck.
  12. I'm the original meme. Comedy Club, Summit1G trolls, fl0m trolls.
  13. Welcome back to the scene RH.
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