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LaBananeSuprem last won the day on February 23 2024

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About LaBananeSuprem

  • Birthday 07/02/1999

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  1. > UI: I find that the UI is very well thought out, very unusual, easy to interact with. > Functions: From the little that I tested, it works perfectly well. Apart from the aimbot which has some problems but by talking with @UnstucK, I know that everything will be back to normal. The ESP as long as it is complete asf, the screengrab also works perfectly (I tested by doing a Steam screen, it informed me that it will be disguised). The misc functions (no spread, no recoil, weapons additions etc) will soon be improved (dev source) and that is a good thing. > Staff: Having spoken with one of the founders, I noticed that they do not hesitate to put the client at ease, they respond rather quickly and give good information because they know what they are doing and that they work well and quickly. Overall, everything seems to be going in the right direction! I highly recommend their DLCs. (Extremely fast injections, smooth even on poorly optimized servers GMOD, stable and undetectable).
  2. I'm thinking of taking your cheat but the problem is that I also wanted to know your stability est bonne sm?.. Because, I use a cheat from another provider but when I go to the servers.. I drop 100 fps (darkrp) at 15/20fps.. (I'm crying ptn..)(ps: régale moi pitié) Insh' you add the options for the different weapons packs that I listed, and I buy cash pistache
  3. Wesh guys! Has Gmod been updated recently? Is it still relevant? Is the aimbot (No recoil / no spray) developed and is it compatible with the different weapons packs (TFA, CW2.0, M9K, CSGO, FA:S 2 etc)?
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