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  1. Hi, will the lag ex value be allowed to be adjusted to single digits in the next update? I have some game tricks I need to use it
  2. Hey, the Triggerbot shortcuts that are set in Binds do not work after they are set
  3. Also, what's the difference between closest and best in aimbot?
  4. I know this, I mean, the triggerbot shortcuts in binds don't work,
  5. Hey, I have a new problem. I set TRIGGERBOT shortcuts to my binds, but it doesn't work when I press it. What's going on?
  6. hey bro, when will the next version be updated? What's new? Can I add hack to Chinese? The hack you created is amazing and I can't wait to see the next version
  7. Oh, I see. Thank you
  8. This is a great hack, but how can the lag exploit be used?
  9. Can you give me a tutorial? Some of the features in it will not be used, for example, when aimbot silen is opened, why attack even teammates?
  10. Oh hey bro, it's my fault, I unzipped it to the secondary folder, so I can't open the 32-bit program, I unzipped it directly to the desktop folder, so that problem is solved, thank you
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