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  1. Wow, negged to death. Not understood why you guys were upset about this LOL
  2. Hello mates, as most of us are aware, many servers are wiping on Rust tomorrow. "The wipe", a beautiful time in which all you see are plains, mountains and radtowns full of butt-naked beings with bows and spears for days on end. Where arrowing down nakeds for a couple thousand wood is the jackpot. Where homes are quickly built, just as fast as dreams are crushed by clans and people who group up. Now, as excited as I am for the wipe, there are the downsides to it, like playing solo as often as I am paired with a friend. As expected, we often meet our demise against people that outnumber us. I've seen personally what the hacks are like to use, and it seems to make the game much more enjoyable, and at times, even makes it fair when a ton of people are raiding your base and you have no back-up . Unfortunately however, I believe you guys don't have enough beta-testers (15ish?), some of which don't seem too active on the game at all (I don't blame them, life can be busy ofc). I've hacked in many games in the past, and there is a difference between buying/using hacks, and testing the hacks. Pushing the hack to its limits to see what you can and cannot do. Most notably, I was a something-of-a beta tester for the top maplestory hacking website for over a year back then, with hundreds of referrals to the website, I was trusted to test out new versions of the hack right before release, look for new exploits and glitches in game, and bugs with the program itself. I have the experience you guys deserve to test your 1337 program. So let me pwn noobs on the wipe tmrw.
  3. all of a sudden im a baby
  4. Can't wait mate, looks great!
  5. 10/10 chill song
  6. Welcome back m8 New here as well, for my first time though. I like how the community is seemingly rather small for now
  7. Looks great, hope it's released for purchase sometime soon!
  8. Nicely done rekkin everyone
  9. Rust CSGO ARK Arma 3 Team Fortress 2 GTA 5 MP GMOD World of Tanks Battlefield 1 Would be my picks; Rust - Lack of cheats, with good updates coming out, the player-base should only grow for a while. CSGO - Obvious reasons, will remain relevant, and good cheats for a great game is always needed. GTA5 MP - Wasn't going to put this, but considering some people had said it above me, I suppose the player-base is still there. If there are a lot of people than I could see it being really fun to use cheats on MP. BF1 - Pretty fresh and fun game, huge player-base. Surprised to see GMOD being picked by a good amount of people, but I suppose thats just me
  10. Curious as to whether or not this was done or if you got a person to do it, but I'd definitely be down Beats earphones got dat gud quality.
  11. Operating System: Windows 10 64bit ENGLISH I agree to RH Rules & BETA Program I was referred by dusugerkuk :)
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