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5 minutes ago, klepchqq said:

windows defender no more

windows defender no more

So, if you are 100% sure there is no other antiviruses like malwarebytes or whatever, try to repeat those steps:

  • Disable windows defender temporarily
  • Download RH Client
  • Put the zip file in a folder, wherever you like
  • Add that specific folder to windows defender's exclusions list
  • Re-enable windows defender
  • Extract zip (this is important, do not run the exe within the zip archive)
  • Run the executable
  • Login
  • Enjoy

Your issue occurs at login, which could be caused by only a very few possible reasons:

  1. A firewall blocking the connection
  2. Modified window's hosts file
  3. VPN
  4. Some antiviruses blocking network communication coming from our loader
  5. Window's permissions (make sure your account has administrator permissions)
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29 minutes ago, klepchqq said:

I've got this problem, I don't know how to fix it(https://imgur.com/a/EKiCne0)

Oh, I checked the logs and noticed you attempted to login with a bad password too many times.

In that case, you are on a cooldown :) Wait a little bit, make sure to enter the correct credentials, and that will work, in the meantime, your account is suspended temporarily

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4 minutes ago, UnstucK said:

О, я проверил журналы и заметил, что вы слишком много раз пытались войти с неверным паролем.

В этом случае вы находитесь в режиме восстановления. :) Подождите немного, убедитесь, что вы ввели правильные учетные данные, и это сработает, тем временем ваша учетная запись временно заблокирована.

ok i will t latery to loginr.thank you for answering my question😁

Edited by klepchqq
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