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I have a problem, I donated money and my account had a donation status, but then, I bought a cheat, and the status of my account became premium, as I understood the status of the donor is higher than the premium status. I understand that this is not all that important, but I wanted to get a trusted status to play PUBG with cheat(When it will be released), and as I heard, the donors have more chances to get a trusted status:D

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Guest Arithmo
17 minutes ago, nik20112 said:

I have a problem, I donated money and my account had a donation status, but then, I bought a cheat, and the status of my account became premium, as I understood the status of the donor is higher than the premium status. I understand that this is not all that important, but I wanted to get a trusted status to play PUBG with cheat(When it will be released), and as I heard, the donors have more chances to get a trusted status:D

There's a difference. Trusted = you can invite to private cheats. Your chances of being invited to the cheat are higher if you're a donor.

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