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Hello! My name is Alex!

I moved from AA and perfectaim.io to this forum! Wanna help to grew up this nice community <3

Yes! My potatoeenglish is nice!

Looking forward for the Rust hack! And I will hope it get invite-only.


Love you guys!

Edited by furchenlurch88
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Like zero! But only the same ppls use the hack! The price is now astronomic in my eyes.


BTW: Perfectaim admin is here beta-tester... Think this is not so good

Edited by furchenlurch88
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4 minutes ago, furchenlurch88 said:

Like zero! But only the same ppls use the hack! The price is now astronomic in my eyes.


BTW: Perfectaim admin is here beta-tester... Think this is not so good

I know it, i was wondering from where i know the name Blunt, yes, hes from perfectaim the main admin L0L.

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3 minutes ago, furchenlurch88 said:

Like zero! But only the same ppls use the hack! The price is now astronomic in my eyes.


BTW: Perfectaim admin is here beta-tester... Think this is not so good


It's fine. The cheating scene isn't really competition. A lot of providers help each other, at least in CS:GO.

ViRTUS is beta tester and he owns a CS:GO provider. Atex is beta tester and he's support for other providers, etc.


Want to do RH vs PerfectAim? :) I can get on like right now and we can do some testing.


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1 minute ago, shiro said:

It's fine. The cheating scene isn't really competition. A lot of providers help each other, at least in CS:GO.

ViRTUS is beta tester and he owns a CS:GO provider. Atex is beta tester and he's support for other providers, etc.


Want to do RH vs PerfectAim? :) I can get on like right now and we can do some testing.


Nice to hear :) Thought they want to report the binaries each other to make only alone profit! But thank you for your thoughts :)

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Just now, shiro said:

It's fine. The cheating scene isn't really competition. A lot of providers help each other, at least in CS:GO.

ViRTUS is beta tester and he owns a CS:GO provider. Atex is beta tester and he's support for other providers, etc.


Want to do RH vs PerfectAim? :) I can get on like right now and we can do some testing.


Perfect aim is shit cuz you have to wait 3months and playing other games and after 3 months you can join at giveaways of thousands of people for 1 invite! Thats ridiculous and ofcourse, you wait like 12 months and pay other cheats and if you get an invite you have to pay for the cheat to be really trusted, perfect aim is not worth maybe worth if you want to play in 2020, so if you want to play rust in 2020 make an account right now on perfect hahaha

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2 minutes ago, un4pack said:

Perfect aim is shit cuz you have to wait 3months and playing other games and after 3 months you can join at giveaways of thousands of people for 1 invite! Thats ridiculous and ofcourse, you wait like 12 months and pay other cheats and if you get an invite you have to pay for the cheat to be really trusted, perfect aim is not worth maybe worth if you want to play in 2020, so if you want to play rust in 2020 make an account right now on perfect hahaha


It's not "shit." Them selling the cheat to you would be your privilege/reward. They don't HAVE to sell a cheat, they want to make sure you're trusted before letting you buy.

Many underground coders do this, lol.

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Just now, shiro said:

It's not "shit." Them selling the cheat to you would be your privilege/reward. They don't HAVE to sell a cheat, they want to make sure you're trusted before letting you buy.

Many underground coders do this, lol.

Nah, whats the point to register now and be able to buy it after 1 year ? They have right now 15 slots free no one buy cuz can't, if they are soo good, why they dont protect their binaries to don't be leaked ? They are scarred by eac developers :)

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Just now, un4pack said:

Nah, whats the point to register now and be able to buy it after 1 year ? They have right now 15 slots free no one buy cuz can't, if they are soo good, why they dont protect their binaries to don't be leaked ? They are scarred by eac developers :)


Dumping/cracking is fairly easy while protecting is pretty damn hard.

They're taking precautions, they may have confidence in their methods to protect their binaries, but they're not going to just release it to the public just in case

They have a flawless record according to OP, wouldn't you want them to keep it? I mean, if RH is public(unsure if they're going invite only yet), you'll have a Rust cheat soon if you want one.


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pGcheats sell an ESEA cheat, but they have requirements for it.


More than 1-year pGc member.

More than 4 months active hack user.

Verified status.


This would prevent ESEA getting their hands on it, and people who would send it to ESEA and stuff along the lines.

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1 hour ago, Eduard said:

Well, they'll buy an invite if they actually want to put their hands on binaries, so where is the point ?

Invites wouldn't be purchasable. They'd go to trustworthy members. 

If you could buy invites, there'd be no need for the invite system.

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51 minutes ago, Eduard said:

Okey than you'll buy that account and purchase an HWID changer. 

Good point. The way to stop this is adding a system like AIMWARE's where the admin/staff have to approve or deny HWID resets. Then obviously if someone sold their account their HWID and IP would change. Your state and maybe even your country would change depending who bought the account.

Many ways to counter account selling.

In fact, account sharing and selling is already countered quite a bit.

This is everything RH logs. 

  1. HDD Number
  2. CPU
  3. GPU
  4. Motherboard
  5. Operating System
  6. Session name
  7. IP
  8. Basically a complete hardware cartography is possible
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