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  1. hope you found this useful guys
  2. 1)HOW TO AVOID HWID BAN It works if you get account/IP banned but not if you get hwid banned, evilcheats has hwid spoofer so it isnt a problem even if you did! What to do to stay unbanned. First thing you should do is close your browser, some people think that EAC does browser checks. Just do it to be extra safe! Its worth it in the long run 1. Use any VPN whilst playing. If you have dynamic ip thats good as you can just change ips everytime. Switching ip's if you got banned is worth it as you will never get a ban on your main account if they detect that they have the same ip's. Also if you get ip banned, on the next account you play on it wont get insta banned due to a blacklisted ip. - I use express vpn (Recommended) 2. Always check rust game folder for crash reports/logs. Delete all data if it exists in : RUST/crash report folder. 3. You need disable Superfetch, it can be found by writing (Superfetch) in the search bar. After you have found it disable it and reboot your PC. Make sure to double check this folder: C:\Windows\Prefetch\ and delete all files if that are in there. Should look like this - https://gyazo.com/3e9701df67a1bb6f5ee8750693f55cd9 4. Use CCleaner to delete some logs files that may be suspicious . This Also this helps to keep your PC clean, so you can get more fps ingame CCleaner download - https://ccleaner.en.softonic.com/ WHAT TO DO AFTER BAN: 1. Change your VPN IP, or if you have a dynamic ip, reset your router. 2. Change your MAC address using TMAC V6. TMAC V6 download - https://technitium.com/tmac/ 3. Delete all files from C:/Program Files (x86)/steam, you will need to re write your logins and redownload your games, so make sure to move them to a usb if you have a lot Should look like this - https://gyazo.com/45050ef110bda2deacd6dc4d6f4381ba 4. Open regedit and go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Facepunch Studios LTD, make sure to delete all rust and EAC related files. 5. Open cmd as admin or write (Cmd) in the search bar and write (sc delete easyanticheat) Shown here - https://gyazo.com/1ec476fb9d258d7f2c7318b673870f57 6.Go to C:\Windows\System32 and search for easyanticheat, rust and steam, delete everything that comes up. THIS PART IS INCASE YOU ALREADY GET HWID BANNED hello everyone, this is for the people that already got hwid banned. i know there is already some info on how to avoid a hwid ban. But for those of you still looking for a solution i might be able to help you.(i think evil cheats already has a solution for this for their vip members, so this is for other users...hope it helps) so after getting hwid banned you have 2 options. either reset your pc or encrypt your drive. once you changed your mac and ip, and deleted all steam files or RESETTED your pc (you would only have to do it once )+and rust we can move to the next step i use vera crypt:https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/ open the exe and click on create volume, and carry on creating a volume and make it 20gb big, as file container . save in on your desktop or somewhere you wont loose it!!!! and then once its done you add a password and you are done. so then all you do is click mount volume and you will select this mounted volume you just created and you will have a crypted drive where you will install steam in there with rust and whatever game you need. keep in mind that everytime you open your pc you will have to mount the drive... not creating the volume because you already did, but just have to mount it. so next time you get banned, you just have to wipe steam and rust from that drive and re-install it. so far it seems to be working for me and for my friends. so i wish you the best. if you need any kind of help dont hesitate to contact me or comment bellow. Captain4Acid#0713
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