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Everything posted by szymonekeqq

  1. Bot movement :L
  2. AIMBOT 9,5/10 - Very nice i used 8 cheats like iniuria, interwebz, 3lysium and etc. but no one have aim like this. If You add % chance to aim selected bone it was amazing (9,5/10 cause sometimes aim moving on walls, maybe my cfg ) - TriggerrBot 10/10 - Very legit, always shoot never any "lag" it saved me very often. - ESP 9/10 Very good esp, much options, clear. (9/10 cause there isnt chams) - Crosshair 10/10 Nothing special but i give 10 - Misc 9/10 Normal options, nothing to say. (9/10 cause auto accept didnt work) - RCS 8/10 Look good but there isnt Standalone Recoil thats why 8/10 Ps. Soory for en but polish schools
  3. Thanks Tomorrow i buy
  4. Are cheat works on Windows 7 32bit?
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