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thesstraight last won the day on January 15

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  1. https://streamable.com/zdjwl9
  2. i found ct invisible head color gets color of visible head color (prob cfg save error). maybe only issue for me!!
  3. I have been making programs in C++ for some time. I am starting chapter 8 on learncpp.com going thru to learn more and I can say my coding has improved, I have watched YT courses for C and went thru whole learn-c.org website. Made game hacks recently d3d9 wallhack but now I find my interest in networking. Thanks for your response!
  4. Hey I want to get into networking in C++ making severs and clients as such. Any good material like learncpp.com does?
  5. Sadly i wont be home for a week so i wont be able to check it out. Thanks for the update!
  6. https://ibb.co/0qzvwMC https://ibb.co/GHwdGB6 cyan crosshair is ingame crosshair fullscreen windowed 1920x1080 seem that it only happens to crosshairs that are more that 2px wide https://ibb.co/pRbHs5T this one is aligned good but its not symetrical on both sides i dont know how u draw crossahairs but u can just do +1 px on both x and y not really an issue
  7. ill post more issues if i find them
  8. Some issues i found: 1. c4 wallhack not working (appears black when visible) 2. smoke removal when scoped not working 3. certain agents wallhack not working or appear black 4. when spectating in casual and switching players notification pops up updated local player team to Terrorist / CT 5. switching resolutions causes menu not to show at all, except wallhack 6. defuse kit visible on players even if player wallhack is off 7. DEFAULT UNINJECT KEY TOO CLOSE TO DEFAULT MENU KEY I UNINJECTED MANY TIMES ON ACCIDENT 8. crosshairs unalligned and not symetrical 9. injecting the cheat was pain i had to run the loader before the game, be in game menu then press prepare injection and it would load 10. configs are bit buggy sometimes not loading colors properly -------------------------------------------------------------- keep in mind this might be user issue and only bugs for me!!!
  9. Thanks bud! Maybe change it to like "Automatically renew subscription at the end of the month" or something like that.
  10. What does "Pay renewal costs automatically" mean?
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